3: Kidnapping

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She IS that kind of sasaeng.


I was lying on my bed thinking of ways on how to make him mine. All these years, that's what I ever wanted and I think it's the right time to make it happen. He's in the salon right now. How did I know? I've put a navigator on his phone. It's the tiniest and most expensive navigator in this world and there's only 7 of it.

I thought of a very good plan. I smirked and decided to stand up. It's time to make my dreams come true. I grabbed my car keys on the side table and drove away.

I looked at my car's monitor and saw that Baekhyun's walking around Seoul. Have a great time, yeobo. I just wish he'll enter a coffee shop, that's what I need. Luckily, he did. I got off my car and went inside to buy him a cup of coffee, I added a sleeping pill and let it solute with the coffee. I came closer to his table and smiled at him, "Annyeong, Oppa."

He smiled back at me but he didn't say a thing, I placed the cup on the table. "Please, do accept this." His face is really covered, he's wearing a hoodie and a facemask on. Maybe he didn't want to speak because he doesn't want to attract attention. And of course, as an idol, he has to be kind so he accepted the coffee. "Don't expect me to leave unless you take a sip, Oppa." Come on, just one sip.

He just smiled, again. Stop making me fall, Byun BaekHyun, because it's working. He lifted the cup and my lips parted a bit as I anticipate for him to take a sip. He slowly opened his mouth and I can see the coffee flowing from the cup into his mouth. How much I would love to taste that lips. I smiled like I won the lottery. If I'm not careful being caught, I might be jumping right now. Thanks to my stilettos, that made me think twice about jumping.

I watched as he gulp down the coffee. Mission success, I thought. He slowly put the cup back on the table, I grabbed it and said, "Kamsahamnida, Baekhyunie." I grabbed the cup and threw the coffee in the trash bin. I slid the cup inside a zip locked bag and went straight to the counter to pay for it. The cashier was looking at me like I did a crime. Well, who would like to take home a cup from a coffee shop? Of course, a sasaeng like me. Byun BaekHyun used it so I should pay for it to add it in my collection. After paying, I walked back to Baekhyun's place and saw that his eyes seemed sleepy. I offered him my hand, but he didn't take it. I just stood beside him for few more minutes until he was no longer conscious, I helped him stand up and wrapped his arm on my shoulder. I am just glad that no one noticed him or I'll be dead. Oh! I forgot, I am his fearless sasaeng.

I opened the door of my car and let him sit on the back seat. He was sleeping already. What a nice day. I squealed in joy, thinking of what's going to happen laterrrrrr.

When we got to my place, I sort of carried him to the bedroom and cuffed his both hands. I tied it just above his head. Aww. Cutie patootie, Baekhyunie. I slightly pinched his cheeks, scared to wake him up. I just want to borrow him for a while.

I grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it in front of the bed. Waaah. Why does he have such a perfect face? I removed my stilettos and changed my clothes inside the room. He can't see anyway, he's sleeping like a dead log. I can even hear his snores that sends shivers down my spine.

I sat on the chair again, staring at this wonderful guy. When can I have you? I asked myself. Nah. You'll be mine tomorrow--wait. You were mine right from the start and you'll know it by tomorrow. I stood up again and searched for my phone. When I found it, I sat on the bed and started taking pictures of him, then I remembered my DSLR. I went outside the bedroom and headed to the living room to get my camera, I ran back to him. I adjusted the lens and took many pictures of him, in different angles. I'm going to print this out later and post it on the walls. I came closer to him for a better view when I saw his lips a bit parted due to snoring. His snores are perfectly sexy. I bit my lip and continued taking pictures but I couldn't help but stare at those lips. Those irresistible lips. Cherry like lips. The lips that sings like an angel. The lips of this angel in front of me. The lips that I adore. That lips that I could ever wish for. I groaned and placed my camera on the side table.

I moved away from him. Dmn. This is bad. I'm getting worse. I think I really need to stop. I paced back and forth but then I heard him snoring again, fck. No matter how hard I fight myself back, I still found my self sitting next to him.

I grabbed his nape and kissed him. It was just a smack but I felt a different kind of electricity inside my body. A kind of electricity I'd be willing to feel for the rest of my life.

His lips were soft. Dmn. I think this is the softest thing on Earth. This is the most precious thing in this world that only Byun BaekHyun has.

I bit my lip again, but this time it's harder. And I can't stop myself for wanting more.

The next thing I knew, I was kissing him torridly. Fck. I'm enjoying this.

But my eyes flew open when I felt him kissing me back.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now