11: Honeymoon

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A couple of days have passed, it was my fifth day with Baekhyun already and we're inside the arena where 3cks' so-called free concert will be held. Well, we all know that Tao's going to propose to Elle and that makes everyone nervous. Until now, none of their fans know that they already broke up. SM doesn't actually want to tell them and are planning to announce it after some more months but I don't think it's necessary. Who knows? They might really tie the knot tomorrow night just like how Tao planned it.

I am seriously amazed by Tao. Like what the fck? How can he shoulder all the expenses and set his career on the edge with an unsure answer? There's a bigger possibility that Elle might say no because Tao is such a douche bag but still, here he is so fcking brave and is willing take a fucking risk for his fangirl turned girlfriend turned exgirlfriend that might turn to his future wife.

I was standing near the stage while watching Baekhyun rehearse on stage with Chanyeol and Elle. They'll be singing Let Her Go for tonight, and I strongly agree that the voices of the three of them fit the song so much.

I went backstage and waited for Baekhyun when they're almost finished. "Still fcking great," I whispered. His voice is so unbelievable like how can a voice like that sound like it's an angel's?

Elle was the first one to step down the stage, she smiled when she saw me and I just shrugged. She already know about me being close to Baekhyun, we had a really nice conversation in Coffee cube a few months ago, I don't know if that was nice because I wasn't but let's call it nice then. I don't know, but I think she got scared of me when we first talked in AlLiBe, the bar I own.

"Hey," I removed my eyes from Elle when I heard his voice. He stepped towards me and I handed him his towel that was hanging on my shoulder.

"You did great as always," I mumbled.

"Follow me," he whispered, making sure no one hears him, before walking away. And unconsciously, I found myself following him. What the fck! I am the upperhand here but why am I obeying him? This is getting messed up.

I shrugged the thoughts off my head and focused myself upon watching his back in front of me. Ugh. Byun Baekhyun, why do you look so fcking sexy with just your sweaty back? I can't believe this is so damn real.

We entered his empty dressing room, he then closed the door while I folded my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow, "What the fck are we doing here, Byun Baekhyun?"

He gave me this weird smile that made me more confuse. Why is he acting like this? He's giving me a headache, darn it. I gave him an irritated look, "I'm asking you, don't make me ask you twice." I rolled my eyes, he didn't say anything and this is making me mad. I stepped towards him and flicked his forehead, "Go and take a bath already."

I sat on the chair in front of the mirror after throwing his towel to him, "Ppali!" I grabbed my phone and started typing texts to the other sasaengs I know to ask if they're coming but then I saw him through the mirror's reflection, still standing behind me. "Ya! Start moving, can you?" He was startled but recovered easily, and suddenly grinned at me.

I did not fucking know how it happened so fast but bullshit. He kissed me on my cheek and ran outside the door before I can damn react. I stared at my reflection, noticed my parted mouth. "What the fuck was that?"

I really don't like how he makes me feel. I hate this! I hate feeling these jelly knees, these blushing cheeks, this lagging brain, this fast heart beat, the whole this! I am not supposed to be feeling this! That guy is so darn unpredictable and it's making things difficult for me. Golddamn it!

You better stop this, Nam Sora! This will be the end of you, "You can't be fucking weak." I reminded myself. I can't be weak because being weak is for stupid people and I am definitely not one of them. Not even a bit close to being one.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now