17: You Can't

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Baekhyun is currently at SM. They're rehearsing for their comeback next month, and I told him that I'll just fetch him later. I just have to go and check on AlLiBe. It's been days since I last checked the inventory and the financial status of the bar, and I promised to buy him some strawberries tonight.

I hopped in my car after transferring the groceries to the back seat. We're kind of running out of food lately because Byun's starting to get fond of my cooking skills which is fucking cute if I may add.

My phone started ringing and I connected it to my car so I could answer it. Byun Baekhyun's hell of a voice greeted me.

[Where are you now?]

I grinned out of nowhere, "Wae? You miss me already? Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing right now?"

[Water break. Ugh, I'm so tired already. I wanna go home and sleep on your bed.] I grinned wider upon what he said. My bed? Sounds good to me though. [So where are you again?]

"I'm on my way to AlLibe," I glanced at my car's side mirror and successfully parked my car. "I'll give you a call later." I said before hanging up.

Damn. I missed my place. I inhaled and welcomed the smell of cigarette smoke in my lungs. This is your golddamn haven, Sora. The loud beat of music makes my heart calm. Fuck. Tonight's gonna be fun!

I saw Jang Geun Suk at one of the tables, he waved at me and I smiled in return. It's so unfair how perfect that guy is and darn, when will he get married? He's getting fucking old already but yeah, still freaking hot. If I didn't have Byun, I would've flirted with this guy.

High, the DJ for tonight, smiled at me and I just gave him a salute for turning this night into a hot night. He's a friend of mine who just arrived from New York a couple of days ago and asked me if he can be a DJ here while he's in vacation. I agreed since it's for free. Damn, that's like free cash.

I headed to my office and sat on my red swivel chair. After few minutes, the manager came in just like what I expected. He handed my the financial reports and the inventory reports. "So how's it going these past nights?" I asked while scanning the reports. Hmm. It's getting better, huh?

"Well, there are a lot of celebrities renewing their membership and also, applying for membership." I nodded at his response.

"How about the deliveries? Everything going smooth?"

"Yes, Miss. Except for the rum that you're importing from Barcelona, they haven't delivered it yet and we'll be running out of it in three weeks."

My forehead creased, "Arasseo. I'll call them tonight and ask for a follow up." I closed the folder and stared at him, "Any incidents?"

He chuckled a bit and I let it go since I'm kind of comfortable him now after 4 years of working with him, "That can't be avoided, Miss."

I grinned, "Yeah, yeah. This is a bar after all. Would that be all?"

He looked away and tried to recall if there's anything he forgot, "Ah!" My eyes narrowed at him, anticipating his next words. "A Kpop idol has been here for consecutive nights."

Aigoo. "This is a bar, it's okay. AlLiBe is the only place where they can drink, dance, and have fun like there's no tomorrow without thinking about the media." He chuckled as he nodded his head and excused himself.

I leaned my back against my swivel chair and checked my phone. No texts nor missed calls. They must be rehearsing again. I pocketed my phone again and stared at the glass wall. The night is on its peak. The Queen should serve some drinks tonight, I guess.

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