23: Missed

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Before in Exclusively Dating Tao of EXO, a lot of you thought that I released all my biases in one fanfic. But, no. V isn't my bias, Jimin is. And this is how much I love Sora. That I'm giving her my Chim Chim. HAHAHA.

Advanced Merry Christmas!!!!! In case I don't update until Christmas. HAVE A HAPPY AND MEMORABLE HOLIDAYSSSSS!

Love you xx

Pps: THIS CHAPTER WON'T MAKE YOU CRY. Trust me. But you guys are so emotional even to little things. Huhu. So I prepared. I'm going to hand out tissues at the side with a free hug and kiss on the cheek. 😂😂😂 💋💋💋

I just leaned my back against the door because of the fucking pain I am feeling. Fuck these wounds! I wiped my tears away. Damn. Damn. Dammit! I heard my phone ring so I fished it from my pocket and cleared my throat before answering it, "Yoboseyo?"

[You did a great job, Sora. He's gone.] She paused for a second, [And I also sent his sister to the asylum just like what you ordered me to do. The psychiatrists told me that they'll take good care of her.]

I nodded my head like a fucking idiot as if she can see me, "That's great, then. I trust that asylum. I'm sure she's in good hands." She told me some small things before I ended the call.

I sighed in relief. At least Byun Baekhyun is safe now. He can walk anywhere without me, he doesn't have to live with me anymore but fortunately, I still have 6 days to see him. Last 6 days though.

I slapped myself for being disappointed about it. I shouldn't care for him anymore. The way he looked at me? I abhor it. His stares made me want to chop off my hands for his sake and damn, I can be so crazy enough to do it. I killed for him. For his own sake. I didn't do that for pleasure. I didn't do that because I am crazy. But who cares? No one. He's Byun Baekhyun and he doesn't give a shit with everything I do. He just hates me like how he hates cucumbers.

I remembered my nightmare. Ugh. I shouldn't have slept because that nightmare will never leave me alone. Just like how it never did for the last 14 years of my life. Nightmares are always there to remind us that no matter how much we run, the past will always haunt us.

I want to go outside and check on him but I'm afraid that I'll hurt him once I see his face. Fuck! I am so close to slapping the hell out of him but I didn't want to give him more evidences that I am indeed a monster.

I sat on my bed, letting myself relax. I just got shot last night. I fucking deserve a break too. I wonder if that eyeless person is also alright. Damn! He's a Bangtan member, he's fucking bulletproof so he better be unharmed with the encounter. Fuck it. But if ever he isn't fine, my house's door is wide open for their mad members. Byun Baekhyun is going to leave soon, might as well have them next here.

I shook my head, erasing all those thoughts from my head. After this, what am I going to do next? Who the fuck knows? I can go to AlLiBe or maybe marry Jang Geun Suk or maybe have a vacation in China and follow Lu Han. Tsk. Whatever happens, happens.

I wonder if he continued eating, I hope he did.

I just sat on the bed with my back on the headboard and stared at the wall in front of me until morning came. I don't want to give that fucking nightmare a chance to visit me again.

It's 4:52 AM on the clock. I doubt if Byun Baekhyun's awake already, he must be tired from his flight last night. Breakfast, I thought. He cooked last night and I wasn't even able to taste it that much because shit happened.

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