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I didn't know how I managed to fall asleep but I think it's because of my pregnancy. My eyes felt heavy and I didn't feel like going out of my room but I immediately remembered that Sangjun must be hungry by now.

I gently sat up and rested my back against the headboard while tying my hair into a messy ponytail. I touched my tummy, "Good morning, Sangjun-ah." My voice sounded raspy I didn't like it. Today will be hard, I guess.

I carefully hopped off the bed, and started to move the vanity table away from the door. I had a glance of myself in the mirror. Damn, you look like shit, Sora. My eyes are swollen and puffy, my nose is flushed while my lips are chappy and pale. I looked away and continued moving it so I can eat already.

I took a long, deep breath before opening the door. Silence is the first thing I noticed, he probably left already. Well, of course, he doesn't have any reason to stay. Not even Sangjun.

I felt him kick. Ne, Sangjun-ah. Mommy will eat soon, hang in there, okay? I made my way to the kitchen and started cooking something for me and Sangjunie to eat. My hands were shaking as I scramble the eggs for the omelette, there was this familiar pain in my chest again.

I may not forget him but I sure can live without him. He's just Byun Baekhyun for fuck's sake. And you love him, my subconscious butted in. What the hell. Love isn't enough, I freaking know.

I was so sure that Byun Baekhyun has finally threw me out of his life that's why I was so surprised when I heard someone pressing the code. My brows knitted, don't fucking tell me that it's him.

I leaned slightly from the counter to see who it is although I'm certain that it's him, I still wanna make sure.

I don't know if I should be relieved when I saw him walking his way inside or be mad about it, in the end I chose to shut my mouth. I turned my attention on the stove, he didn't speak either. His expression flashed in my mind again. Maybe he'll get his clothes, I thought.

I placed the food on the table and brought the bowl of strawberries out of the fridge, acting like I don't really give a damn if he's here or not. He should eat somewhere else because obviously, I didn't cook for him because why would I? I no longer want him here.

He sat in front of me, annoying the hell out of me. I dropped my chopsticks and glared at him, "What the fuck?"

"Stop cursing." He reminded.

Oh, for fuck's sake! He should stop telling me what I should do! I leaned against the chair and crossed my arms, "Pack your clothes and get out of my house."

His eyes burned with pain. Woah! Is he hurt? He shouldn't get hurt! He's the one who started this, I'm simply ending everything because honestly, he doesn't want this relationship bad enough! If he can't give me a steady relationship right now then we should stop already, I don't want Sangjun to hope for a complete family.

"I'm staying, Nam Sora."

My eyes narrowed at him, "There's no reason for you to stay her---"

"The fact that you're pregnant with my child gives me the right to stay by your side."

I bit my lip, my eyes started welling up. Push him away, push him away! "Who told you that my child is yours?"

He harshly stood up, the chair fell loudly on the floor that I almost covered my ears. "Stop kidding me, Nam Sora!" My eyes ran down from his flushed face to his neck where his veins are visible again. I returned my eyes to his. They were glossy as if he was trying to fight the tears back.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now