12: The Wedding

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He held my waist and lifted me up without breaking our kiss, he guided my legs as I wrap them around his hips. I didn't know what happened next, I was too busy kissing him. All I know was we were inside my room already, he slowly laid me on my bed, still kissing me. My hands are on his hair, I don't want to let him go. He pulled away and we were both catching our breaths, he pulled my shirt up before kissing me again with him on top.

His lips left mine and started kissing my neck then he stopped. I was panting, he was lying on top of me, his face buried on my neck. We stayed like that for a few minutes not until he started snoring. Darn! Such a tease. I pushed him off me and wore my shirt again. "You're a fucking tease, Byun."

I stood up to get him another shirt, he'll catch a cold if he sleeps like this. I put the shirt on him and lied beside him, staring at his peaceful red face and listening to his fucking cute snores. His face can easily turn red after a cup or two so it's easy to notice if he drank alcohol but he can drink, not too much though. Unlike Junmyeon who can handle alcohol very well.

Is that how you act when you're drunk, huh? Should I always make you drink alcohol then?

It was 8 am when I jumped out of the bed and started preparing for breakfast. I searched over the net for a soup that can help with hangover. I haven't done this before, I just let my hangover pass but as of Baekhyun, I can't let that happen. We still have an important wedding to attend, and as far as I can remember they will sing today.

"Ugh," I removed my eyes from my iPad and turned my head to Baekhyun who just came out from my room. His hand was on his forehead. Hangover.

I grinned at him, "Morning," His head must hurt so much because he didn't even grin back and just sat beside me, I faced him and fixed his morning hair before standing up to get the soup I prepared for him.

"Neomu apo?" (Does it hurt so much?) I asked him and he just nodded his head while sipping the soup. I rolled my eyes and started putting food on his plate, "You can't drink without me." Especially when you act like last night. Darn. He just can't kiss anyone but me! Fuck, just the thought of it makes me want to kill!

He didn't say a thing so I just focused on getting my own food and started digging in, we ate in peace not until I felt him lean on my shoulder and snaked his arm on my waist. "Wae?" I started worrying, "Are you in pain? I'll go get a medicine for you." I ran my fingers through his hair, slightly massagin his head. Who fucking knows? It might lessen the darn pain.

He just shrugged and whispered, "Let's just stay like this."

I started making a wrap for him, "Ah." He opened his mouth and ate the wrap, "You have to eat, or at least finish the haejangguk. It's for the hangover." But he didn't budge so I took the bowl and fed him. Acting like a freaking baby.

While Baekhyun was taking a shower, I laid out the suit he'll wear for later before sitting on the edge. My eyes roamed around my room. I can't believe that the walls are no longer black, it's fucking beige. I can change it anyway, after 22 days.

Last 22 days.

The bathroom's door flew open and I saw Byun Baekhyun coming out, his eyes were focused on the suit.

"Where did you get that?"

"I bought it."

"But that's not what I was supposed to wear!"

His voice raised a bit and that irritated me. Fuck! Maybe this is the hangover talking. Calm the fuck down, Sora. "This is what I want you to wear." I widened my eyes at him, mentally telling him 'shut up and just do what I tell you'. I rolled my eyes and headed to the bathroom. He better wear that or I'll make him wear it any way possible. Ugh, he's so stubborn.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now