Urgent Question (Not An Update)

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Hi. No updates for the week because I'm not feeling well again (UGH.).

I just want to ask all of you if anyone here knows the website forum.partyinmydorm.com?

Well, honestly, I always search about my fanfics on Google. Just in case plagiarism happens AGAIN (sneezes a lot of times at this part) and I just wanted to make sure. So, I searched this fanfic's title and saw this certain site with my chapters in it. Whole chapters. And based on the link itself, it says 'forum' and yet, my chapters are there posted by different users. One comment says, "Post this on AFF instead." and the one who posts the chapters said, "Should I?"

So I want to know if this is a normal thing in this site.

Here's the link of the forum: http://forum.partyinmydorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=106038&sid=6fcd3d56691bb3f304ecc218518dc6dd&start=20

Thank you.

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