21: Killed Him

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"You should go to your dorm tonight, I'm sure you missed eating the food Kyungsoo or Lay cooked." I told him while I was packing his bag, they just finished rehearsing.

"Where will you go then?" He asked, zipping his bag for me.

"AlLiBe, I need to check the club too." Then something hit me, "Or maybe you want to go to the AlLiBe with me?" Then I remembered what my goal tonight was, I bit my lip and decided for him before he agrees going with me, "Nah, just stay with the members. I'll fetch you later tonight, okay?" I gave him a peck on the lips before holding his hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, pulling him to the car park.

"How long will you be gone?" He carefully whispered, making sure no one will hear what he said.

"Not too long. You know that I don't want you to miss me too much." I teased him before opening the door for him. He hopped on and I placed his bag and my camera's bag at the back seat before settling on the driver's seat.

"Will you be gone for an hour?" He asked me as I pull the car out of the parking lot.

I smirked at him, "I'll just text you when I'm on my way back to your dorm, okay?"

He nodded his head but I'm sure he's not dropping that topic off yet. He's been asking a lot of questions since this morning and I find it so cute. Him being so curious and all. At least now I can say that he somehow cares for me and that's a big step to our situation.

The journey to their dorm was silent, I kept glancing at him and I noticed that there's some shit that bothers him. I was waiting for him to say it but it felt like he will never say it not unless I ask him so I did, "What the fuck is wrong?"

"Your mouth." He mentioned, I bit my lip. You can't curse with him, remember?

"So what's wrong again?" I glanced at the rear view mirror and stepped on the gas to speed up. I noticed this fucking car following us so I turned right.

He sighed, "Nothing's wrong."

I gritted my teeth, "Are your seatbelts fastened?" I glanced at him and saw his brows furrow.

"Wae?" He asked.

I shook my head and stepped harder on the gas. I checked my side mirror. Fuck! It's still following us!

"Slow down!" Baekhyun raised his voice.

Damn! I cannot slow down! "Just hold on tight, okay?!" This motherfucker keeps on shitting the hell out of me! Holy shit! I need to kill someone tonight, I guess. I quickly entered the basement parking of their dorm's building. I reached for the bulletproof jacket at the backseat and gave it to Byun Baekhyun, "Wear it."

"Why? Can't you just tell me what's happening?"

Damn. I'm running out of patience. "Just fucking wear it." I grabbed my 45 caliber and slid it on the back of my shorts. I looked around first and made sure that there's nothing suspicious, "Let's go," I jumped off the car and wore my hoodie, clinging my arm on Byun's while the other is on standby, ready to grab my gun if anything happens.

Baekhyun pressed the button for the elevator and I almost cursed out loud. It's currently on the 11th floor! My breathing became ragged, hoping that nothing will happen in front of Byun's small eyes.

Fuck! Why is the elevator so fucking slow?

I had the urge to clap my hands when it finally reached the basement. Finally, I thought. I pushed Baekhyun inside before entering the lift and closed it before anyone else rides with us. I just have to be safe especially that Byun Baekhyun is with me.

In A Relationship With BaekHyun of Exo: His Fearless SasaengWhere stories live. Discover now