Chapter 27

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Harry's P.O.V.

I was stunned. Would Violet really hurt herself? I couldn't believe it. I sat across from her on a chair in the guest bedroom. She was sound asleep.

Gemma quietly walked in with two cups of tea. She handed one to me and sat down on the chair next to me.

"Harry, what's going on?" Gemma asked me.

"I don't know Gem, I'm scared." I admitted.

"When she wakes up don't ask her too many questions, just be there for her."

I nodded my head, I had no clue what I was supposed to do or how to be there for her.

Gemma left and Violet slowly began to wake up. Her eyes opened but they were puffy and red from her crying.

"Harry, I'm sorry." she said shakily.

"It's okay Violet, I'm here." I said quickly going over and wrapping my arms around her.

Her head was on my chest and I could feel the tears start to run down her cheeks again. I wiped them away with the pad of my thumbs and lightly kissed her forehead.

"Shh baby girl, don't cry. We're going to get through this, I'm going to keep you safe." I said, hoping to calm her down.

It hurt me to see Violet so upset and I wanted nothing other than to keep her safe and make her happy.

"I'll pack our bags and we can go home, okay?"

"Have you talked to your father yet?" Violet asked quietly.

I hesitated before answering her, lying wouldn't make this situation any better, "No but I can do that another time. Let's get you home first."

"No Harry, I'm not going anywhere until you talk to him."

Even when she was weak and upset she was still stubborn.

"Okay, I'll go quickly talk to him now."

I called Gemma and got her to stay with Violet while I talked to my father. I walked into his office and sat across from him.

"Harry, I am terribly sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to upset Violet in anyway, is she okay?" my father said looking up from his desk.

"It was other things besides what you said and hopefully she'll be okay. But I came into here to talk to you about my problem, Violet refused to leave if I didn't talk to you."

"Well Harry, I don't know what to tell you. I already give you so much money for housing and other things but I don't want to see anyone else get hurt," my father said, "I will give you the money but I want to be payed back eventually and you'll need to come visit more. Gemma and I both miss you."

"Thank you and I'll come up to visit more often." I said.

"Of coarse Harry, you are my son after all and I don't want to see you or anyone else get injured. And definitely not Violet, she's a lovely young woman and she's good for you."

I stood up, shook his hand and quickly walked out of his office. I reached the guest bedroom and ran over to Violet, lifting her up into a hug.

"My dad's giving me the money." I said smiling.

Violet smiled back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I lifted her off her feet and spun her around.

"I'll be free of Andrew's debt and he'll leave us alone," I said, setting Violet back down, "Ready to leave?"

"Yeah, Gemma packed while you were talking to your father." Violet said quietly.

"And how are you feeling now?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"A little better but I'm sorry, Harry. I don't know what I was thinking."

"There's no need to apologize, but please talk to me next time."

I intertwined our fingers and we walked downstairs with our bags. My father was sitting on the couch and Gemma was in the kitchen.

"Are you guys leaving?" Gemma asked, walking into the living room.

"Yeah, we want to get back to the apartment."

"Harry, I didn't get to say this to you last night, but I hope you understand that losing your mother was hard for me too. I wouldn't have ever done anything to harm her. I did what I thought was right and I hope you'll understand that one day. I just wanted her to be out of her pain, even if it was the hardest thing I ever had to do." my father said and then gave me a quick hug that I hesitantly returned.

"I was just angry, I shouldn't have blamed it on you." I said and my father gave me a small smile and brought our bags to my car.

Gemma came and gave Violet a big hug, "Make sure you keep in touch and you can talk to me if you ever need anything." Gemma said.

"I will, thank you Gemma." Violet said.

Gemma then came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I've missed you and you better come and visit more."

"Don't worry Gem, I will." I said, embracing her in a hug.

Violet and I walked out of my fathers house and climbed into my car, ready for the long drive home. The drive went by quickly even though Violet was quiet for most of it. I wanted to know what was going through her head but I didn't know how to ask. Quickly we were back in town and only a few minutes away from my apartment.

"Harry, I think I just saw Andrew." Violet said nervously, looking out the window.

"What? Where was he?" I asked.

I suddenly became worried. All I had to do was keep Violet safe for a couple more days until my father gave me the money. What if I couldn't even do that?

"He was on his phone and looking at the car."

I stepped on the gas, rushing back to the apartment.

"Harry, look out!" Violet yelled.

Ahead of us, two cars crashed into each other. I swerved to avoid hitting them and adding to the accident.

"Shit that was close." I said.

I looked over at Violet, making sure she was okay, and saw a black car coming straight at us.

"Harry!" was the last thing I heard before a wave of darkness fell over me and I blacked out.

A.N. hope you liked this chapter :) sorry it was shorter

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