Chapter 1

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Violets P.O.V.

"Ughhhh" I groaned shutting off my alarm clock. Getting up at 5:00 in the morning for school should be illegal. As I drag myself out of bed I check Instagram and Twitter seeing nothing interesting. I get in the freezing shower and after 20 minutes I'm out and getting dressed.

The one thing I hate about living in New York is that it can get really cold during the winter. I throw on blue skinny jeans, a black sweater, and black combat boots. I pull my hair in a high bun, put on some mascara and concealer, grab my bag and leave.

Message from Niall:

I'm at the Coffee House already hurry your ass up ;) x

I smile looking at the text. Niall was my best friend since 6th grade which was already 6 years ago and now we are seniors dying to finish high school.


I'll be there in five get me the usual plssss xx

Niall and I have met at the Coffee House every morning since freshman year. It was quiet and different, and since not that many people know about it, it was the perfect place to go before school.

I walked in the door and was met by a warm breeze. I saw Niall sitting at our usual table in the corner with two cups of coffee and two muffins in front of him. Niall had blonde hair which he put in a quiff (even though I like it better down) and bright blue eyes like mine. We would look like sister and brother if it weren't for my curly long brown hair.

"Hey Ni."

"Hey you're late Violet Rosemarie." he said smirking.

"Oh shut up, you know I'm not a morning person."

"Yeah yeah. Now let's get going so Mrs. Newman doesn't give us detention again for being late."

Niall and I went to a very expensive, top-notch private school. The principal was a bitch but at least we didn't have to wear uniforms.

We got our coffee to go so we wouldn't be late and left. As we were waking around the corner I ran into a hard surface spilling my coffee all over myself.

"Ah fuck." I cursed.

"Watch where you're going." a voice growled.

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