Chapter 23

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Violet's P.O.V.

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked around and realized I was sleeping next to Harry in a room I didn't recognize. The events from last night were blurry. I remember playing suck and blow, me and Harry arguing, dancing, and doing shots with Liz. But after that everything was fuzzy.

I looked over at the clock and it was 12:30. My head was spinning and I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach into the toilet. I felt terrible and gross, if only I could remember everything that happened last night.

I walked out of the bathroom after washing my face and heard someone pounding on the door. Harry still wasn't awake yet and I needed to think before I woke him up. I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it slowly.

Nate was standing outside the door and he looked flustered when he saw it was me who opened it.

"Oh it's just you," he said, "Who's in there with you?"

"Harry." I said.

"Ohhh." Nate said smirking.

I let out a chuckle, "Nothing happened, don't even think about it."

"Okay, I was going to kick out whoever was in here but since it's just you guys, you want something to eat?"

"Yeah, that would be great." I said, closing the door behind me and following Nate into his kitchen.

The place was surprisingly clean. Everyone was gone and no trash was around. All the liquor was cleaned up and put away and it seemed like a huge party never happened.

"I called the maids early this morning. My parents are coming home tonight and they would kill me if they found out." Nate said, handing me a cup of coffee.

"I figured and thanks," I said sipping the hot coffee, "Why do you throw these parties if you have to hide it?"

"It's something to do I guess. Gets my mind of stuff and the same for others."

I nodded my head and heard a door slam open from upstairs and footsteps running down the stairs.

"I guess Harry's awake." Nate said laughing.

I laughed, waiting for Harry to come down. He ran into the kitchen looking worried. But as soon as his eyes rested on me, he calmed down.

"Oh, I thought you left or something." Harry said, sitting down next to me.

"Nope, just came downstairs for something to eat." I said smiling.

Harry was worried about me and I found it adorable. He was wearing nothing but sweatpants and I was trying not to stare. I could see his tattoos and his muscles clearly. Nate handed Harry a cup of coffee and left to make sure everything was cleaned up before his parents came home.

"We should probably leave soon." Harry said, drinking his coffee.

"Okay, I'll just go get changed and then we can go." I said walking up back to the room to get changed.

I got changed back into my clothes from last night and put the boxers and Harry's shirt on the bed. As I was walking down the hallway, heading back downstairs, I could hear someone crying in a room across the hall. I slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

I saw Ava sitting on the bed crying. Her tight dress was half off and her makeup was smeared all over her face. She looked up at me once I walked in, she looked surprised but then angry.

"What are you doing in here? Get out!" she screamed.

I quickly turned around, closing the door behind me. I was completely surprised, what happened to her?

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