Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V.

It was Wednesday. The day I've been dreading for a week.

I haven't been back to the hospital and I've barely left my apartment. Most of my bruises were healing but I wasn't ready to face Ava or Violet.

I quickly made my way to Dr. Burke's in my newly repaired car and found Ava sitting on the curb outside.

"Why are you sitting out here?" I asked rudely.

"I was waiting for you, I thought we would go in together." Ava said, standing up.

"Ava, this whole thing makes us in no way a couple, not even close. And we are barely friends. Having sex with you was a mistake, lets just get this thing over with."

We walked inside and waited for the doctor. Doctor offices and hospitals always take forever.

"Ava? I can see you now." Dr. Burke said and we followed him into a room.

It was almost as white as the hospital and smelt terrible.

"Have a seat, Ava. And who is this?"

"Harry Styles." I said.

"Nice to meet you. Now Ava, I know we talked over the phone about a DNA test, do you still want one?"

"Yeah, we still want one," I said before Ava could open her mouth, "And quickly, I have stuff to do."

"Okay, well Ava let's get you ready and Mr. Styles you can have a seat in the waiting room."


An hour passed by and I was still in the waiting room. How long did this shit take?

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out to see an unknown number calling me.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Hello, Harry," it was Andrew, "I need my money today."

"I'm busy." I rudely replied.

"Styles, I want it now. But you wouldn't believe where I am. I'm at the park and I see a certain Gemma Styles sitting on a park bench. Do you think she would want a visit from me?"

"Don't you dare fucking touch her. I'll bring you the money, give me 20 minutes." I said and hung up.

I quickly got in my car and drove off, calling Gemma on the way.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Gemma, where are you?" I asked hurriedly.

"Calm down, I'm at the park. The one we use to go to. Why haven't you been back to the hospital? I've been there more than you and-"

I interrupted her, "Stay there. Andrew wants the money now and he threatened you. I have the money in my trunk but if you leave it will be too obvious. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Be careful."

"Okay hurry up, Harry. It's only my life on the line." she said sarcastically and hung up.

I pulled into the park and immediately saw Andrew. He got out of his car and made his way over towards Gemma.

"Andrew!" I yelled.

He turned around and Gemma looked up from where she was sitting. Gemma got up and quickly walked over to me.

"Get in the car, Gem."

"But Harry-"

I interrupted her, "Get in the car."

Gemma was stubborn like Violet but she listened and climbed into the passenger seat of my car.

Andrew walked over toward me, "Where's my money, Styles?"

I tossed him the bag my father gave me full of all the money I owed Andrew.

"Now leave me and everyone else alone." I growled.

He smirked, "I don't know about that. Fucking with your head is too fun. I'll give you a little break, but don't think I won't be back for you, Styles. You were one of us before and you'll be one of us again."

Andrew got back in his car and drove off as I got back into mine.

"Is he done with you now?" Gemma asked.

"For now." I answered, sighing and leaning back into my seat.

"Harry, you need to go see Violet. The people surrounding her can effect if she wakes up."

"I think everyone knows I'm no good for her. I don't help anything."

"But she would want you there, you said so yourself."

"Gemma, I don't feel like arguing about this."

"Good then drive to the hospital. I could have just died, you owe me."

"Fine." I said and drove us to the hospital.

We pushed our way through the doors and instantly the sickening hospital smell hit me. Everything was too white and bleak, the only beautiful thing in here would be Violet.

"Have you visited her?" I asked Gemma as we walked.

"Yeah, she was the same as when you were here. Her room is right around the corner."

"What's going on here?" There were doctors rushing in and out of Violet's room. They pushed carts and carried equipment. Everything was frantic and rushed.

I spotted Niall sitting in one of the chairs just outside her room. He looked nervous and distressed.

"Niall, what's going on?" Gemma asked.

"It's Violet," he hesitated and then smiled, "she's waking up."

A.N. ahhh what do you guys think will happen?

vote and comment you think :)

next part will go up in less than a week!

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