Chapter 12

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This chapter is pretty bad but I just wanted to update for you guys so sorry but hope you like it, don't forget to vote and comment :)

Harry's P.O.V.

My stomach flipped and I felt nervous. Vivian couldn't die, it was Violet's little sister. She would never be the same.

"Let's get to the hospital." I said, grabbing the keys for Niall's car and grabbing Violet by her hand.

We rushed to the hospital, me driving and Violet sitting in the passenger seat. I could tell she was worried, she was shaking and gripping onto the seat.

I reached over and rested my hand on her knee, calming her down. She relaxed a little and stopped shaking as much.

"We are almost there, coffee girl." I said smiling.

She smiled a little and nodded her head.

I parked the car quickly and we rushed in, me following close behind Violet. She didn't slow her pace until she was standing in front of her mother.

"Mother, what's going on?" Violet asked.

"Vivian needs more intensive care, they are moving her." her mother answered.

"Where? To a different wing?"

"No Violet, across the country. There's a better hospital in California, she'll get better care there. We are moving her today by helicopter."

"Okay I'll go pack." Violet said.

"No Violet, you will stay here. You can not come with us. You will finish school and I will keep you updated with her condition."

I stood there shocked, how can her mother not let Violet go? I walked away, letting them have their privacy. I went back to Niall's car where Violet's phone was and called Niall.

"Violet? Where the hell are you? You said you were just going grocery shopping." Niall said, talking fast.

"Um yeah it's not Violet, it's Harry." I said awkwardly.

"What are you doing? Where's Violet?"

"She's at the hospital."

"What?" Niall yelled.

I could hear shuffling in the background.

"Calm down. Violet's fine, it's her sister. She got into a car crash and she's in a coma. They are moving her across country and Violet's mother isn't letting her go with Vivian." I said, explaining the situation.

"Shit, why didn't she fucking call me. Goddamn it Violet," Niall muttered, "and she took my car."

"I'll pick you up, I have your car anyway." I offered, getting in the car, driving to Niall's.

Fifteen minutes later I was outside Niall's house. He climbed into the passenger seat and I started driving back to the hospital.

"Why were you with Violet again?" Niall asked me.

"I was the other car in the crash," I sighed knowing he would be angry, "Her mother crashed into my car when she lost control. I was at the hospital and we ran into each other. When you didn't answer I offered to stay with her, she needed someone and then she went to a bar. Some guy tried to take advantage of her, Niall."

"Fuck," Niall cursed, running both hands through his hair, "why does this keep happening? I should have been there."

"I was though and she's okay."

"She's okay? She's not okay! Ever since you've came she's been completely different!" Niall yelled.

I didn't say anything, he was right. I was a bad influence on her already. I couldn't hurt her anymore than I already have. The car crash was mostly my fault.

I parked the car, Niall took his keys and ran inside to find Violet. I walked inside the hospital and picked up the remainder of my things, including my car keys.

"Where's my car?" I asked the lady sitting at the front desk.

"Back parking lot, it wasn't damaged too much. You should be fine to drive home." she said, not even looking up.

I walked to the back parking lot, found my car, and drove home, knowing I couldn't see Violet for a long time.

Hope you liked it :) voted and comment

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