Chapter 3

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"Okay settle down students and please take your seats." Mr. Hayworth spoke to the class.

Mr. Hayworth was grumpy, rude, robotic, and my 6th period chemistry teacher. He droned on everyday about things that I will most likely never use again. I sat next to the most popular girl in our grade, Ariana. She's even worse than Mr. Hayworth. With fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, and fake boobs almost every guy in our grade was head over heels for her. They came running at her every demand, she barely had to lift a finger.

The only good thing about chemistry was sitting across the room from Niall. He would always make faces to make me laugh and we could make fun of Ariana and Mr. Hayworth without them knowing. Niall managed to make this class almost tolerable.

"Excuse me sir, but can I help you?" I heard Mr. Hayworth question someone.

I look up to be only met by those same pair of emerald eyes I haven't been able to get out of my head.

"Yeah, is this 6th period chem? Mr. Hayworth's class?" He question.

"Yes I'm guessing you are the new student. Well come in Mr... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Mr. Hayworth said.

"Harry Styles." he mumbled.

Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. The name kept repeating itself in my head. Those pair of emerald eyes finally had a name to them.

"Well then Mr. Styles you can have a seat right there next to Miss. Violet in the back."

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