Chapter 24

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"Harry please don't do this." I was crying and my body was shaking.

Harry stood across from me with a gun pointed at my head and a smirk on his lips, "I've never really liked you, Violet. It was easy to pretend around you, I played you so easily. You're just a silly, naive girl."

He walked around me with the gun still pointed at my head. He moved closer and closer until it was pressed against my scalp.

"Harry please, I'll do anything! Just please stop."

He let out a loud laugh, "Not this time Violet. On the count of three. 1, 2..."

I woke with a sudden jerk. I was sweating and shaking from the nightmare. What did all of that mean? Why was Harry trying to kill me?

I look at the time, it was 8:43am but Harry wasn't sleeping next to me like he should be. I got up and walked out into his living room. Harry was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

I sat down next to him, "What's wrong?"

"I called my father. He wants to meet up tonight."

"That's great Harry. You can explain everything to him."

"I need you to come with me." Harry said.

I answered without hesitation, "Of coarse."

"It's a three hour drive and pack a bag since we'll stay in a hotel over night," Harry got up but stopped when he looked over at me, "Are you okay? You look like you're going to be sick."

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream. I'm fine though. Let's go pack."

I got up to pack and get changed. I took a hot shower and came out to find Harry struggling to pick out an outfit.

"What are you doing?" I said laughing.

"I don't know what to wear." he sighed.

"You sound like a girl."

He smiled and I kissed his cheek, then found him something to wear.

"Just be yourself." I said, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black v-neck. I handed Harry the clothes and finished packing.

Within 30 minutes we were in the car driving to Harry's fathers house. The ride went quickly but after about an hour I had to asked Harry about his family.

"What happened to your mom?"

"She died a couple of years ago. She got sick and within a couple of weeks she was gone." Harry said, staring straight out the windshield.

"I'm sorry, no one should have to go through that."

"I also have an older sister."

"You do? I didn't know that. What's her name?"

"Gemma," Harry said smiling, "We were always close growing up and she was a good role model. But once my mother passed away we slowly grew apart and soon after that I started drinking and doing drugs."

"Do you still talk to her?" I asked.

"Not too much. It's hard to keep in touch. I moved into my apartment when she left for college. I couldn't stand to live with my father without Gemma there."

"You should try to talk to her more, Harry. You're lucky, I would give anything to have Vivian back."

"I know Vi, I'm sorry." he said, resting his hand on my knee.

The remainder of the car ride went quickly. The atmosphere was lighter and we joked around until Harry pulled up to his father's house.

It was enormous, even bigger than Nate's house. I grabbed Harry's hand and walked up to the front door, ringing the doorbell. Harry tapped his foot impatiently.

"Maybe this was a bad idea Violet, we should just go." Harry said, looking worried.

Before I could answer the front door swung open and a young women stood there. She was completely gorgeous.

"Gemma!" Harry said, engulfing his sister in a big hug.

She held onto him tightly, "Harry! I've missed you."

Harry let go but had a huge smile across his face, something I rarely see. He pulled me close and introduced me to Gemma, "Gem, this is Violet."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said, shaking my hand, "Are you guys dating?"

I coughed awkwardly, not expecting that question. Me and Harry never even talked about anything like that.

He looked down at me and smiled, "Yeah, yeah we are."

I smiled back at him, happy with his answer even though it seemed too soon to start dating. We walked into the huge house, leaving our bags by the door. Gemma and Harry were talking about something but all I could do was examine the house. It was beautiful but it seemed empty. Was it just Gemma and her father living here?

"Um, where's dad?" Harry asked.

"He's upstairs in his study." Gemma answered, pointing towards the stairs.

Harry nodded his head, looking worried. I grabbed his hand hoping to calm his nerves and it worked.

"He's excited to see you," Gemma said, "He was going crazy preparing for your visit."

"He didn't seem too excited over the phone." Harry said.

"He is, go upstairs and talk to him." Gemma gave Harry a small push towards the stairs.

Harry pulled me along besides him, our fingers still intertwined. He walked up the stairs shaking with nerves. We walked down the long hallway at the end of the stairs and he stopped in front of a door on the left.

"You ready?" I asked Harry.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

And with that Harry knocked and pushed open the door to his father's study.

A.N. the next couple of chapters will be much longer, hope you are liking the story so far and there's more drama to come

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