Chapter 2

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"Watch where you're going." a voice growled.

I looked up and was met was a pair of emerald eyes. I was memorized; he was mysterious and intriguing with his dark brown curly hair and toned jaw line that was clenched tight. He looked about 18, a year older than me. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was different than anyone else I've ever met. He had a certain feeling about him, he seemed dangerous but I could feel myself being pulled in.

"Ahem, um Vi I think we should go." coughed Niall standing next to me.

With a last glance Niall grabbed my arm and we walked away. I turned around a couple steps later and he was standing at the same spot, hands clenched, staring at the ground.

"Who was that?" I asked Niall.

"I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about him."

"Ugh shit my shirt is soaked." I complained.

"I have one in my locker you can use."

"Thanks Ni, you're the best." I said smiling.

"I know Vi." he smirked.

We arrived at school in less than two minutes, Niall gave me his sweatshirt from his locker, and we were off to first period which is Italian and I hate Italian. The teacher is annoying and I'm terrible at it.

"Buon giorno studenti!" my Italian teacher exclaimed, actually awake unlike the rest of us, "Okay everyone please sit down, take out a pen, and I will hand out your test."

Shit, I forgot about the test today. I look across the room at Niall and by the look on his face, I can tell he did too.

50 minutes later first period ended and we scrambled out of the room.

"Vi, I think I just failed that." Niall worried.

"Don't worry, I did too. I completely forgot about it."

But the truth is, even if I was ready for that test I wouldn't have done any better. All I could think about was those mysterious emerald eyes.

A.N. Hi guys please vote and leave comments. I want to know what you think and hopefully you like the story so far :)

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