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Harry's P.O.V.

2 years later

I walked to her gravestone with a bouquet of flowers in my right hand and a bottle of vodka in my left. It's been exactly two years since the love of my life died and I haven't had a sober day since.

After the funeral, Niall went back to London and further pursued his music career. He's had a couple of popular songs but they are all about her. I can hear it in the lyrics and the way he looks, like a part of him is missing.

Liz was devastated for months after she died and Nate was the only one who could help her through it. They fell in love after that and have been inseparably ever since.

Eleanor still sometimes cries herself to sleep but she has Louis there to help her. They got engaged and were married quickly after that. Eleanor's pregnant with a baby girl and they couldn't be more excited.

Gemma tried to help me at first but I only pushed her away. Her and my father invite me over often but every time I deny the offer.

'V's Designs' continues to flourish but will never be as successful as it could have been. It was never the number one fashion company in the world and it was always one step behind Victoria's company.

I finally arrived at her gravestone. It was beautifully designed but it didn't serve her right. She deserved something as gorgeous as her. Something amazing that showed who she was.

I laid the flowers in front of the stone and sat down, taking a swig of vodka from the bottle. Drinking was the only thing that kept me remotely sane.

I heard footsteps behind me and looked up to see Louis and Eleanor walking closer. Eleanor wore a pale blue sundress with white sandals. One of her hands were intertwined with Louis and the other rested on her plumb stomach. Louis carried flowers in his other hand and they both held saddened looks on their faces. I turned back around and took another big sip of vodka.

"Hello Harry." Eleanor said gently. She took the bouquet from Louis and rested it next to mine, "We miss and love you Violet."

Louis helped her stand back up and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you wait in there car? I'll be right there."

Eleanor waddled away with her hands on her stomach. She still looked thin, even 7 months pregnant.

"Haven't seen you in a long time." Louis said as he sat down next to me and took a sip of vodka.

I didn't say anything to him, just took another big sip.

"We're thinking about naming the baby Violet. What do you think?" Louis asked, "And we wanted you to be the baby's godfather."

"Ha fuck that." I grunted.

"C'mon Harry, you would be a great godfather to our daughter if you just sobered up. Vi-"

I interrupted him, "Don't say her name."

Louis looked at me sadly, "Harry, she's dead. She's not coming back. She-," Louis corrected himself before speaking again, "Violet wouldn't want you to be like this. She would want you to get your shit together."

I looked down shamefully. I knew he was right but I wasn't going to admit it. She would want me to get my life together and move on but that was impossible to do. I needed her to breathe. Every breath I take without her makes it feel like I'm being stabbed in the chest. It hurts to be without her.

"Harry, please just think about everything." Louis said standing up, "And I'm taking this with me. You're killing yourself drinking this much." he grabbed the vodka bottle and walked away.

Good think I have another one in the car.


Third Person's P.O.V.

After Harry and Louis talked in the graveyard, Harry tried to get sober but never fully succeeded. He continued to be a depressed drunk for the rest of his life until he died early at the age of 54 because of liver failure. Gemma was heartbroken over the loss of her brother but her husband and two children were there to help her through it.

Two months after the meeting in the graveyard, Louis and Eleanor gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl and they named her Violet. Harry never made it to be the godfather so it ended up being Nate and Liz as godparents. Nate and Liz eventually married and had three children of their own.

Niall only became more and more successful but never had the life he wanted to. He made album after album but was never able conquer the world with his best friend. He never ran out of things to write about because he constantly felt pain over Violet's death. He was later diagnosed as clinically depressed but he never stopped producing music. He never married or had the kids he always wanted. He remained close with Liam and Danielle, who got married, and made an EP together to raise money for trauma research.

Violet made a huge impact on all the lives she touched and these people will never be the same without her to guide them.


A.N. this chapter kinda sucks but I just wanted to put an epilogue up for you guys.

I really hope you enjoyed the story and I'll tell you when my next one will be up (which will be way better than this one).

Please vote and comment what you guys thought of this story/ending.

Thanks :)

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