Chapter 5

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*after school at the Coffee House*

"So what do you think of Harry Styles?" Niall asked me as we were sitting down at the Coffee House. This has always been our spot before and after school since freshman year.

"He's kinda strange. Like when he walked in today and sat next to me, he called me 'coffee girl'." And at this, Niall started cracking up.

"Coffee girl. That's almost as good as Violet Rosemarie." he said smirking knowing how much I hated it when he calls me by my middle name.

"Oh shut up Ni." I said with a smile.

After about 5 minutes of talking and joking around, my phone started ringing.

Call from Mother

"Ugh, it's my Mother. She probably wants me home." I said answering my phone. As soon as I picked up, I was being yelled at to come home "right this instant".

"Hey I'll come with you since I don't have soccer tonight." Niall said.

"Okay but are you sure you want to deal with Bitch-toria?" I asked.

Bitch-toria is what me and Niall call my Mother, but only behind her back. Since her name is Victoria and she's a bitch, so we came up with Bitch-toria.

As soon as we walked in the door, the yelling began.

"Violet Rosemarie! Where were you? You were supposed to be home right after school to watch Vivian and now I'm going to be late to my meeting. Goodness Violet you need to get it together! You are going to ruin this family if you keep this up!" and with that, she stormed out the door.

"Like you didn't do a good enough job doing that already." I muttered.

"Hey Vi you okay?" Niall asked hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm use to it by now."

"Niall!" my little sister Vivian yelled.

"Hey Viv, what's up?" Niall replied.

"Nothing but Violet, I have plans so I'll be home before Mom comes back. Oh and Violet, try not to fuck anything else up." my sister snapped at me.

"Whatever Vivian, just leave already."

"I'm going. I wouldn't want to spend any more time around you than I already have to." she said walking out the door and shutting it behind her.

"Violet..." Niall started but before he could say anything else, I ran up the stairs into my bathroom and locked the door.

"Violet please open the door." Niall pleaded from the other side.

"Just go home Niall, I'll be fine." I said as tears streamed down my face.

"Vi you and I both know I'm not going anywhere, so please just open the door."

I knew what Niall said was true. He wouldn't leave until he made sure I was alright, even if that meant staying all night. So I stood up, wiped my tears away, and opened the door where I was engulfed with a big hug from Niall.

"You know she doesn't mean it. She's just trying to be like Bitch-toria. And plus if she doesn't want to spend as much time as she can with you, then I definitely will." Niall said.

"Thanks Ni, you're the best."

"I know Vi and so are you. So how about watching a movie and ordering some pizza for dinner?"

"Sounds good to me." I said actually smiling.

"Okay good, you go pick out the movie and I'll order the pizza."

"Okay but only order one pizza Niall and with,"

"Extra cheese, I know Vi." Niall interrupted.


Two hours later the movie was over. Me and Niall ate the entire pizza, I had three pieces and he had 5. That boy could eat forever without gaining any weight.

"Vi, do you want me stay over tonight just incase anything else happens?" Niall asked.

"Yeah that would actually be really great. And it's Friday so no school tomorrow and we can go do something tomorrow afternoon."

"Woohoo!" Niall yelled jumping off the couch, dancing around.

"Oh my god Niall, what are even doing!" I said laughing so hard my stomach began to hurt.

"Just having some fun Violet Rosemarie." he said smiling.

Before I could answer, the front door was opened and then slammed shut.

"Ugh Vivian is home," I said. I heard her run up the stairs and slam her bedroom door even harder than she did the front door. "I'll be right back Niall."

I walked up the stairs to Vivian's room, I could hear her crying through the door. Even though she screamed at me before and really hurt me, I still felt bad for her. She was my little sister and I needed to protect her.

"Hey Viv, can you open the door?"

"No go away Violet! I don't want to talk to you! I don't want to talk to anyone!" she yelled.

"Please just open the door Viv."

I heard movement and 10 seconds later the door was unlocked. I walked in to see her crying on her bed. Her blue eyes were puffy and red and her blonde hair was a mess. She looked so broken.

"Oh Viv, what happened tonight?" I asked pulling her into a hug.

"Me and Corey broke up," she cried.

Corey was Vivian's on and off boyfriend for almost two years now. They started dating when she was 13 and he was 14. But the thing is, they never agree on anything and they barely get along but they claim they are in love.

"Aw it will be okay. I know you guys will work it out, you always do. And if he can't realize how amazing, smart, and beautiful you are then that's his loss. You don't need him Viv, you're strong enough to be without him. You have everything going for you, you have everything you could ever need. You're beautiful Vivian, don't forget it"

"But all I need is Corey!" she cried running into the bathroom.

Disappointed, I let out a sigh.

"Hey Violet, it's okay common she's just a teenager. She thinks Corey is everything." Niall said comforting me.

"Ugh I know but it's just I meant every word I said and she didn't even listen."

"I know you did Vi, I'm sorry. One day she'll realize it though."

"I hope so."

But the truth was that I'm done. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to get out and go far away. I want to leave this house, leaving my Mother and sister behind. I want to leave this town and the people in it. The only reason I could think of to stay was Niall and the mystery behind Harry Styles.

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