Chapter 29

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Harry's P.O.V.

I pushed through the bar door and made my way past the sweaty, drunk bodies. The music was loud like always and people were grinding up against each other. I made my way to the back of the bar where I knew Andrew would be.

I saw his bodyguards dressed in all black. Andrew was sitting on a booth and Ava was all over him. She was wearing a tight dress and her face was caked in makeup like usual.

I walked quickly past his body guards, who made no effort to stop me, and stood right in front of him. Ava slowly pealed herself off Andrew.

"Harry," she said, pursing her lips, "Haven't seen you in quite sometime."

"Ava, why don't you go fuck anything that's breathing? That's what you do best." I said annoyed.

"You would know." she scoffed.

"That's enough," Andrew growled, "Babe, go buy yourself another drink."

Ava stalked off towards the bar, brushing up against every man she could.

"What do you want, Styles?"

"You caused the car crash." I yelled at him.

"I told you that if I didn't get my money I'll hurt the people close to you."

"I'm getting the money. I can give it to you by the end of the week."

"Well you should have told me that, Styles. But even if you did, it wouldn't have changed anything. I enjoy this too much." Andrew said smirking.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "You fucking asshole."

"Who should I hurt next? Gemma? Your friend Liz or Louis? But it's such a shame that Violet will die the same way Sarah did." Andrew said with a smirk, he knew he was pushing me too far.

I tightened my grip on his collar and before I knew what I was doing I punched him in the jaw again and again. I couldn't stop myself. All I could think about was my fist making contact with his skull.

"Harry!" I heard Ava screech from behind me.

I punched Andrew again and again until I was pulled back by one of his guards. The guards grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the ground. I received hit after hit from one of them and the other kicked my stomach. I felt myself being picked up and I saw Andrew standing in front of me. He looked dizzy, I could tell my punches had an effect on him. Ava was standing timidly behind him, unsure of what to do.

Andrew's nose was bleeding and he had blood splattered across his shirt and the rest of his face. Bruises were already starting to form and I knew he would have a black eye.

He walked closer and leaned towards my face, "You'll pay for that one, Styles."

Andrew stood back up and landed one last punch to my stomach and jaw before his guards dropped me to the ground and they all walked off.

I heard Ava lean down next to me and slide something in my pocket.

"Look at that later and I texted Louis, he should be here soon," Ava said into my ear, "Be careful, Harry and get the money before something worse happens."

I watched her walk off trying to catch up with Andrew. I tried to push myself off the floor but I could barely move. After another ten minutes of lying on the floor trying to get up, I saw Louis push his way towards me.

"Fuck Harry, you've got to stop doing this to yourself." Louis said, helping me up and dragging me out the door towards his car.

He sat me in the passenger seat of his car and started to drive.

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