Chapter 6

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"Vi wake up. It's already 11:00." Niall said attempting to get me up.

"Ugh go away Niall I want to sleep." I grumbled.

I heard Niall let out a sigh and walk out of my room. But before I knew it, I was being lifted up and slung over his shoulder.

"Niall what are you doing? Put me down!"

"Well you wouldn't get up so I'm getting you up."

He brought me downstairs, put me on the kitchen stool, and handed me a cup of coffee.

"Okay so what do you want to do today?" he asked me.

"Ugh, I don't know. We could go shopping?" I said smirking.

"Ha no way Vi, you take forever shopping. How about we just go see a movie?"

"Sounds good to me. Let me just go get ready and then we can leave." I said getting up to go get dressed.


20 minutes later we were in the car rocking out to Mayday Parade. Singing out the top of our lungs with the music turned up high, and on our way to the movies. Once we arrived, I got the tickets and Niall went to go get the food and drinks.

"Oh my god Niall how much stuff did you need to get?" I said laughing holding the two tickets. He got a large popcorn, a couple of candies, and two large drinks.

"What? It's not that much." he shrugged.

"Let's just go sit down." I said laughing.

About half way through the movie I had to go to the bathroom because of the large diet coke Niall got me.

"I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom." I whispered and he just nodded, his eyes were glued to the screen.

As I was walking to the bathroom I saw a familiar face. I looked again and realized it was Harry Styles. He was hanging out with all the potheads in our town. He looked up and started to walk over to me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Seeing a movie since it is a movie theater. What are you doing here?" I replied.

"I'm here with a couple of friends. Are you here with anyone?"

"Um yeah but he's still in the movies." I said cautiously.

I saw something flash in his green eyes but I couldn't tell what it was. He looked me up and down walked back towards his new friends. That was weird. But he's been weird ever since I first bumped into him.

Message from Niall:

Where are you? Did you fall in the toilet or something?? ;)

I rolled my eyes smiling. I quickly went to the bathroom and walked back into the theater sitting down next to Niall.

"What happened to you?" he whispered.

"Sorry I saw someone I know and we were talking for a couple minutes."

"Oh who was it?"

"No one really." I said.

Niall gave me a weird look but didn't question my answer and turned back to watch the movie. Why didn't I tell him? We tell each other everything and it's not a big deal that I was talking to Harry. He going to think something's wrong now.


An hour later the movie was over and we threw out our garbage and left. I looked around for Harry but I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe he's watching a movie or maybe he left.


"Hm what? Oh sorry Ni, I kinda zoned out for a minute."

"It's fine, are you okay? You've been a little off since you went to the bathroom." Niall replied.

"Yeah but let's just go home, I'm tired."

"You're always tired but okay let's go." he said laughing.

10 minutes later Niall was parked outside of my house.

"Vi are you sure you want to go home? You can just come back to my place or something. You've been just staring at the house for about two minutes." Niall said.

"Yeah I have to face my mother and sister eventually."

"Okay just call me if you need anything."

"Okay I will." I said unlocking the car.

Before I could get out Niall grabbed my arm and said, "Promise me you'll call if you need anything. And I mean anything Vi."

"Okay Niall I promise." I said.

"Okay bye Violet, I'll see you later."

"Bye, see you later."

I walked up to the front door and looked at my house. It was huge. Three floors and over 20 rooms. People always say how lucky I am but I hate it. It always seems so empty with only me, my mother, and Vivian.

I took out my key and unlocked the door. Stepping in, I could hear crappy music blaring from Vivian's room, she must still be upset about Corey.

"Violet is that you?" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah." I replied plainly.

"I need you to clean the bedrooms. Go do it now."

I groaned and went upstairs to clean the bedrooms. I don't know why she made me do the cleaning when we have a maid to do it. I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat but that's why we have one.


Two hours later I was done with the cleaning. I put the cleaning stuff away and walked into my room. I plugged my phone into a speaker and turned the volume up all the way. I turned on If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low and relaxed.

Message from Niall:

Ayeee girl hows it going? Do u miss me already? ;)

I laughed as I read his text. He was such a flirt sometimes but that's what we did. We joked around and flirted but it was never serious or anything. He was my best friend and we both didn't want to ruin our friendship.


Ew no why would I miss you? JK OF COURSE I DO! Bitch-toria made me clean alllll the bedrooms, maybe I should have stayed and hung out :( xx

Message from Niall:

Aw sorry kiddo, want me to come pick u up?


I'll be fine, just listening to some All Time Low ;) xx

Message from Niall:

Ah I trained you well ;) call me if u need anything I've got to go have some "family time" BYE VIOLET LOVE U :*



I hit send and closed my eyes listening to the music fill my room.

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