Chapter 31

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Harry's P.O.V.

I felt a rush of adrenaline pump through my veins. This could be it, Violet was waking up. She would be awake and alive and she would be Violet, not a motionless human in a hospital bed.

"Excuse me doctor?" Niall asked, pulling a doctor aside, "Can you tell us what's happening for Violet?"

"She's waking up but this could possibly lead to more complications. I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait and see what happens. This is a very unusual case." the doctor said and then rushed back in the Violet's room.

"I can't believe this." I whispered to myself, sitting down in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs.

Gemma sat next to me and Niall sat next to Gemma. We waited for hours but no one told us anything. It was frustrating seeing the doctors and nurses rush in and out of Violet's room. They were doing so much work but weren't telling us anything.

"I should probably call dad. He'll want to know." Gemma said getting up.

Gemma left to call our father and left Niall and I alone. I felt like needed to say something but I didn't know what. I needed him to accept me, I couldn't just leave Violet alone.

"Niall, I know you hate me but please just give me a chance. Violet means so much to me and I can't stand seeing her hurt."

Niall interrupted me, "You say you can't stand seeing her hurt but you've already hurt her. You're the reason she's in this hospital right now. You hurt her after Vivian died too, you left her alone when she needed you. You were the only one there with her when all of that happened. I know you want to fight for her but you're only going to keep hurting her and I can't let that happen."

I ran my hands through my hair, a habit Violet use to tease me about, "Please, I need her. I can't loose her."

"That's the thing Harry, you need her. You aren't thinking about what she needs, just yourself. It's selfish of you. You aren't saying that you want to be there for her you're saying you need her. It's selfish."

I remained silent. Niall was right, I wasn't thinking about Violet. I was only thinking about myself and my own needs. Violet would be better off without me. I only cause her pain, I can't fight for her like she needs me to.

A doctor suddenly walked out of Violet's room, "It's good news boys, she's awake."

A.N. very short chapter but I've posted a couple times this week.

and violet's awake yayay :)

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