Chapter 20

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We got to Harry's house in less than ten minutes and we hurried up to his apartment.

"Have a seat in the kitchen, I'll be right back." Harry said, walking into his bedroom.

I walked into his kitchen and sat on one of the stools. I blushed at the thought of the last time I was here when we kissed.

Harry came into the kitchen and got me ice for my head, "Here you go."

"Thanks," I mumbled, "Who was that guy, Harry?"

A look of worry flashed through is eyes. He leaned against the counter top and ran his fingers through his hair, like I've often seen him do when he's distressed.

"I don't want to tell you and get you involved in all of this Violet. Everything's turning into a mess." Harry said sighing.

"It seems like I'm already involved in it. Telling me can't make things that much worse."

"Okay, I guess you're right. Come with me."

We moved over to Harry's living room and sat on the couch. I sat down next to him and turned to face him. He looked nervous and vulnerable, something I've rarely seen in Harry.

I reached over and put my hand on his arm, "It's okay, you can tell me Harry."

He nodded his head and grabbed a picture of him and the girl I see in all his pictures, "This is Sarah. We dated a little while ago. She was all I had, she got me on the right path and helped me through everything. She was always there when things got tough with my father or I wanted to cave in again."

I gave Harry a questioning look, "Cave in again?"

"I use to drink a lot and do drugs. It was really bad but once I met Sarah that stuff didn't seem important anymore but I couldn't stop using. And then there was Andrew. He was my dealer and at the time I didn't have a lot of money. My dad was cutting off my funds. My dad pays for my necessities and that's it. He'll pay for housing, my car, food, and groceries just so I don't have to live with him. But at the time we were arguing and he was cutting off my funds so I didn't have enough money to pay for housing and everything. I kept drinking more and more and kept buying more and more from Andrew. I ended up being in huge debt to him and I still am."

"So how much do you owe Andrew?" I asked.

"Thousands of dollars. I didn't pay him back at the time and once me and Sarah started dating, he used her as blackmail against me for the money. I got my funds going again from my dad but it wasn't enough to pay back Andrew fully. My father didn't know I needed that much money and for drugs. If I told him he would cut off my funds for good. Andrew kept telling me he would do something to Sarah if I didn't get the money. I never believed him though. I didn't think he could be capable of hurting her. I just wanted to keep her safe and I couldn't do that."

Harry stopped speaking, he looked like he was about to cry. His eyes were glossy and he was shaking slightly.

"Harry, what happened to Sarah?" I asked quietly.

"I can't." Harry said shaking his head.

I rested my hand on his arm again, "Harry, you have to tell me what happened to her."

He nodded his head, looking down at the floor, "She died, she's gone."

A.N. ahhh how do you think Sarah died? Tell me your predictions and what you think of the story.

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