Chapter 18

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His lips tasted the same as they did when he kissed me months ago in his kitchen. They tasted like peppermint but this time alcohol too.

Our lips moved in sync together and I ran my hands through his hair. Harry rested one hand on my cheek and the other on my hip. I pulled back for air, realizing what just happened.

"Harry wait, we barely know each other. We haven't talked in two months and a lot has happened since then. I'm not the same person I use to be."

He pulled away, looking a little hurt by my actions and words.

"Yeah, sorry you're right. I don't know what I was thinking," Harry said, quickly replacing his expression with a smile, "Let's get back inside."

Harry led the way back to the table and we sat down with the rest of his friends.

"Hmm, what took you guys so long?" Louis asked, causing me to blush and Eleanor to nudge him in the side.

"Let's dance Lou," Eleanor said, obviously trying to keep him from causing trouble.

Liz and Nate were sitting next to each other whispering back and forth, looking around nervously like they were expecting someone. Zayn left to go smoke a cigarette and Ava was sitting there tapping the table impatiently.

"Oh, there he is," Ava said getting up and walking over to someone.

"I think we need to leave," Harry said worriedly, "Right now, Violet."

"Why?" I asked, what could he be so worried about?

Instead of answering, he started pulling me towards the exit. As we were walking out, we passed a table with two people sitting at it.

It was Ava and those pair of dangerous eyes I've seen too many times before, it was Andrew.

A.N. sorry I haven't updated in so long and this chapter is short but the next one will be much longer, hope you liked it.

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