Chapter 13

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Violet's P.O.V.

My mother and I spent the past half hour arguing. She wasn't letting me go with Vivian and it wasn't fair. Vivian's my little sister, and I know I don't want to be around my mother, but what if something happens? I need to be there when she wakes up.

I sat on the hospital chair while my mother was signing more paper work for Vivian to be moved. I heard someone shout my name, turning my head, I was almost expecting to see Harry again, but it was Niall.

I jumped up and ran over to him. He held me right and I couldn't help but begin to cry again.

"Niall, they are moving her," I cried into his chest, "and I can't go with her. My mother won't let me, it's not fair."

"I know Vi, I know," Niall said, hold me tighter, "it's going to be okay, we will figure it out."

I nodded my head, starting to cry harder. I didn't realize how much I needed him before. Niall was my rock, he kept me grounded and I didn't know what to do without him. It felt good to be held in his arms, he was my best friend and I couldn't do this without him.

"Have you seen her yet?" Niall asked me.

I shook my head, pulling away. I was scared to see her. I didn't want to know what she looked like and what condition she was in.

"You have to see her before she leaves, Vi." Niall said, pulling me towards her room.

I stood outside the doors, nervous of what I would see. I slowly pushed open the doors and gasped.

She looked dead, her face was pale and her lips were chapped. Her blonde hair was messy and her blue eyes were closed. I slowly moved over to the side of her bed. I reached out and touched her arm, it was ice cold.

I could feel the tears starting to flow again. How could I let this happen to my little sister? I'm supposed to protect her and I failed.

I felt Niall walk over and rest his hand on my shoulder, giving me support.

"Niall, can you give me a minute alone with her?" I whispered.

"Of coarse, I'll be right outside." Niall said, kissing the top of my head and then leaving.

I sighed taking a deep breathe, "Hey Viv, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you into this mess and I'm sorry I can't come with you to Cali. I hope when you wake up you'll stay there, I know you'll love it there. Cali beautiful like you. It's sunny and warm, you would fit in perfectly. They are going to take good care of you, you'll get more help there. I need you to be okay and I know you will be, you're stronger than me. I'll miss you but I'll see you soon little sis. I can't wait to see those beautiful blue eyes awake and happy again. I love you Vivian, I'll see you soon."

I stood up, wiping my tears away. I started to walk out but turned to get one last look at Vivian before I left.

As soon as I walked out, Niall gave me another big hug. I held onto him tight and didn't let go until my mother came back.

"Well Violet, this is it. The helicopter is waiting outside and we are leaving now. I will call you on her progress when I can." my mother said.

I nodded my head, grabbing Niall's hand and leaving the dreaded hospital.

"Where do you want to go?" Niall asked.

"Back to your house." I said, looking out the window of his car.

Niall started the car up and we drove back to his house in complete silence, dreading the reality of everything that just happened.

A.N. Heyy sorry these past couple of chapters haven't been that good, I promise the next couple ones will be though. I have a lot planned for this book and I'm excited for you guys to find out what happens.
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