Chapter 19

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My breathe hitched in my throat. The room started to spin and I couldn't breathe. Every bad memory and nightmare I've ever had about Andrew was suddenly coming back at once.

I saw him attacking me, slipping something in my drink, dragging me into the back of the bar, and so much more. It all came flooding back at once and I couldn't breathe.

"Violet." I heard a voice say.

I couldn't make out who the voice belonged to. My breathing became more rapid, I closed my eyes trying to calm down.

"Violet, can you hear me?" I heard the voice ask.

I tried nodding my head but it was like my body was paralyzed. I couldn't move or see. Everything was blurry and disoriented.

"C'mon we need to get you out of here." I heard the voice say again.

I felt a hand press against my lower back, pushing me out the door and into the warm summer air. I felt the warm air hit my face and swallowed it, needing more to calm myself.

"Violet, it's okay. You're out of there. You're safe." I heard the voice say again, but this time two hands were on my face, rubbing circles soothingly on my cheeks.

My breathing became slower and slower until it was almost regular again. My vision was no longer blurry and I could see who the voice belonged to. It was Harry.

I nodded my head, signaling to him that I was okay. He stepped back and leaned again his car. I sat down on the pavement, knowing that Andrew was just inside the bar.

Harry sat down next to me, "Are you okay?"

"Is he still in the bar?"

"Yeah, but you're safe. I won't let him get to you again."

I nodded my head, "Okay. Why is he here? Why is he always near me?"

"I guess he's dating Ava. We all knew she had a crappy new boyfriend but we never would have guessed it was Andrew. I would have left with you before he got there if I knew it would be him."

I was about to reply when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Pulling it out I saw it was Niall calling me.

"Hello?" I said answering, trying to sound normal.

"Hey Vi, I just landed and I'm waiting for a cab." I heard Niall say through the other side of the line.

I smiled, happy he landed safely, "How's London looking so far?"

"It already seems amazing. I met a guy on the plane named Liam and he's going to the same program."

"Ooo Niall's already making friends. Surprising since I'm you're only friend here," I said teasingly.

I could hear him laughing, "Yeah yeah. Everything's okay over there? Nothing too dramatic happened?" Niall asked.

"Nope I'm fine, nothing interesting." I lied.

I saw Harry look over at me, surprised I wasn't telling Niall what happened.

"Okay well I got to go Vi but call me if you need anything. Love you, bye."

"Okay, I will. Love you too, bye." I said hanging up.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Harry asked.

"Because he just landed and I want him to have fun while he's there. And if I told him what happened he would probably jump on a plane and come right back."

"Probably. Let's get you home though," Harry said, helping me up, "Do you have your car here?"

"Nope, Louis drove me."

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