Chapter 39

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Harry's P.O.V.

I unlocked Louis' front door and walked into his apartment.

"Harry!" I heard a high pitched scream and was almost knocked over by the force that hit me. Eleanor had her arms wrapped around my shoulders and I embraced her back.

"Hey El." I said laughing at the greeting she gave me.

She let go and gave me a huge smile which I returned.

"I've missed you." she pouted.

"I've missed you too. How've you been?"

"Okay I guess. I miss hanging out with everyone. Liz, Nate, and Zayn are always busy and you and Violet never come around anymore."

I sighed, "I miss it too. We should all hang out sometime soon, okay?"

"Yes! That would be amazing." Eleanor said excitedly.

We talked for a few more minutes until Louis came into the living room and sat next to Eleanor. He placed a kiss on her cheek before telling her that we were going to hang out for a little bit. Louis got his things to leave and kissed Eleanor goodbye.

"Lou, can you go start the car? I just have to ask Harry something really quick." Eleanor asked.

I knew Louis didn't want to but he would do anything for his girl, "Of coarse babe. I'll see you later." And then he left.

"What is it El?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"I would have asked you this before but I was hoping you would bring it up," she hesitated before continuing and I knew she was nervous, "How's Violet doing?"

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to think of what to say, "It's been really tough for both of us lately but before I left today we actually talked. It wasn't a long conversation but she told me she loved me and she hasn't said that in a long time."

El nodded her head, telling me to continue.

"But when I asked her if she was okay, she didn't really answer. She just nodded her head but she wouldn't look me in the eye. And when I offered to stay home she said she was fine. I don't really believe her but I didn't want to push."

"Do you want me to go visit her later? See if she's okay?" Eleanor offered.

"Yes, that would be perfect. Thanks so much El." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"It's no problem. Now go with Lou so he doesn't have my head later." she joked.

I quickly left and made my way downstairs to Louis' car. I got in the passenger seat and he was blasting the radio.

I turned it down and turned towards him, "Where are we going?"

"The same place we always go." he replied as he started to drive.

"No Lou, if I go to a bar I'll get drunk and I can't do that to Violet." I explained.

"Then learn some self control, Haz. I need a couple of drinks. I won't let you drink anything."

"Fine." I huffed.

Within 20 minutes we were sitting at two bar stools and Louis was drinking a beer while I was drinking a soda. The place was crowded and loud as usual with too many people wasted.

"Harry! Louis!" I heard a deep voice shout from behind us.

I turned around and saw Nate pushing his away through everyone to get to us.

He laid his hand on my shoulder, "Haven't seen you in awhile Styles."

"This isn't really my thing anymore." I explained, trying to ignore him. Nate was still one of my best friends but he got annoying when he was drunk.

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