Chapter 32

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Violet's P.O.V.

I was sitting up in the hospital bed. The walls were painted white and everything around me seemed too bright. I licked my lips and they were chapped. I could tell my hair was in knots and my skin was dry. My throat burned and I was nervous to talk. The doctor said it was a miracle that I woke up but I don't believe in miracles. Miracles are for people who can't face the truth and reality of a situation.

As soon as the doctor left I heard murmuring outside. I heard the door open and I looked up from my hands. It was Niall, he had tears in his eyes. He look relieved and happy as he rushed over towards me.

"Violet," he gently wrapped his arms around me as if I was a china doll, "I was worried sick. How do you feel? Are you comfortable?"

I nodded my head slowly, my joints where stiff. I haven't moved in weeks and I knew it would take a while to regain my strength.

"Violet!" I heard a voice say, it was Gemma. She rushed over towards me and gently hugged me, tears where falling down her face.

As Gemma pulled away I looked up towards the door. If Gemma was here Harry had to be here too. And there he was, standing timidly near the door. One of his hands was shoved in his pocket and the other was running through it hair repeatedly. He was dressed in all black as usual but he looked different. He was worn and tired and there was remains of bruises and cuts along his face. They were fading but still visible.

I tried to mouth his name but nothing came out. He noticed what I was trying to say and walked slowly over towards me. He sat down where Gemma was and grabbed my hand. I tried leaning towards him but it was difficult. He met me half way and wrapped his arms around me.

"I've missed you." he whispered into my hair. Harry pulled away but left a lingering kiss on my forehead. I craved the taste of his lips but now wasn't the time.

The doctor came back in with his clipboard and stood at the end of my bed, "It's good to see you awake, Violet."

Niall grabbed a chair and moved it so he was sitting next to me. He held my hand and gave it a small squeeze. I couldn't imagine Niall not being here. He meant so much, I would be lost without him.

Harry was standing next to me, across the bed from Niall and was no longer holding my hand. He had both his hands in his pockets and was staring down at his feet.

"So you've been asleep for quite some time, Violet," the doctor said, "You're muscles and bones have weakened from not being used and your voice will need to be repaired. But this is all possible through rehab. You can start tomorrow. A nurse or myself will be back every hour to check on you, if you need anything at all just push the green button next to you. I'll see you all soon."

The doctor left and the four of us were left alone with an awkward silence. I closed my eyes, I was tired and just wanted to be alone with Harry.

"Violet," I heard Harry say, "I'm going to go call Louis, Eleanor, and Liz. They were all really worried. If they want to come is that okay with you?"

I nodded my head, it felt good to have people care about me. I barely had that as a child. Harry left to call them and Gemma left to go see if her father was here. She told me that he would act as my guardian and would take care of my medical expenses.

"I've missed you so much," Niall said, "Don't you ever leave me like that again."

He held me in another hug which I gladly returned. I've missed Niall, he was away for so long.


A few hours went by and people came and went. Louis, Eleanor, and Liz all came to visit. They all said how much they were worried and glad that I woke up but all I wanted was for Harry to hold me tight in his arms. I wanted to forget the world and just be alone with him. Harry's father came and said the same as the others but told me he was happy to pay for everything. Niall stayed the entire time, he didn't leave once.

I was left alone with just Niall and was finally able to fall asleep. I woke up hours later but Niall was no longer sitting next to me. I looked around the room and Harry was sitting across the room with his head in his hands. He looked up and his green eyes met mine. They were red and his cheeks were stained from tears. I rarely ever saw Harry cry, only once before, and it pained me to see him upset. I tried opening my mouth to say something but I still couldn't get anything out.

"Here, drink some water." he handed me a bottle of water that he was holding and sat down next to me.

I sighed but he wouldn't look at me. He stared at his shoes and ran his hand through his hair from time to time.

"Do you remember everything that happened?" Harry asked me, his voice was barely above a whisper.

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. His hands were warm compared to mine. I wiped away his tears that were started to fall again. Seeing Harry cry was worse than any accident I could be in.

"I'm so sorry, Violet." Harry cried.

I pulled him close to me and wrapped my arms around him. His head rested on my chest and I brushed through his hair with my hand, something I knew would comfort him. My ribs ached from being broken but I dealt with the pain, as long as I got to hold Harry I would be okay.

"I paid Andrew the money. I should have done it sooner. Maybe if I did it sooner none of this would have happened. We would be okay and would be back at my place. You would probably be fixing up my hand again," Harry let a small smile fall upon his lips but it quickly faded, "We could be care free and just have fun."

Everything Harry talked about seemed wonderful. Just to be back at his place with him would be amazing. Anywhere with him would be amazing.

"I blame myself for everything that's happened and I know I'm the one to blame. I let all of this happen to you, Violet. I'm sorry but I can't stay around anymore and hurt you," Harry was now sitting up, "I have to go. I can't fight for you like you need me to. I'm selfish and I'm only here because I can't loose you. When you were in the coma I didn't come visit you. I saw you once after I got discharged and that was it. Niall was here the entire time, you deserve someone like him. Not me, not someone who's a coward and runs the other way."

Both of us had tears running down our cheeks. What was Harry talking about? I was hurt by his words but he couldn't be leaving me.

"I don't deserve you, Violet. I slept with Ava before we started talking again and she's pregnant. It's not mine but it could have been. I'm so sorry but I can't keep taking from you and not giving anything back. I can't hurt you like the way I already am. I've caused too much damage," he leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'm sorry Violet."

Harry pulled away and I tried holding on to him. I grabbed his hand with all my strength and tried to hold on but he was too strong. Tears were blurring my vision and all I could do was try to grab hold of Harry. I couldn't let him slip away, not like he did when Vivian died. This couldn't be happening again. I tried screaming his name but all that came out was his name in a whisper.

Harry wiped the tears off his face and quickly exited my room. The door closed and I felt my heart break into a million pieces. Everything hurt. I could barely breathe. Why was this happening again? I felt like screaming but it was impossible for me to make any noise. I picked up my pillow and threw it across the room. It hit Harry's water bottle and made it fly across the room.

Niall rushed in and paused when he saw me. Worry and pain flashed through his eyes. I started to cry more and more, I couldn't control myself. Niall walked over towards me but I tried to push him away. I only wanted Harry. Niall resisted my weak attempted to push him away and held me tightly. I finally gave in and cried into his chest. I cried until I fell asleep, still wrapped in Niall's arms.

A.N. sorry it took me so long to update, I've been really busy with school.

vote and comment what you thought of this chapter :) violet's finally awake yay

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