Chapter 36

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A.N. extra long chapter because I haven't updated in awhile, sorry about that.

this chapter changes P.O.V. a lot so pay attention to that or it will be very confusing !!!!

Violet's P.O.V.

1 year later

"Ky, stop!" I yelled laughing.

"Only if you say I'm the best boyfriend ever." Kyle, my boyfriend of almost a year, said with a smile as he tickled my sides.

"Never!" I said trying to get away from his grasp.

"Then I won't stop." he smirked, continuing to tickle me.

"Fine fine. You're the best boyfriend ever." I said sarcastically.

"I know." he teased as he finally stopped tickling me and placed a light kiss on my lips.

"Want some breakfast?" I asked, sitting up in bed.

"Nope." Kyle said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Then what do you want?"

"You... again." he said with a smirk.

"Okay." I said, returning his smirk as I pushed my lips to his once again.


"How were the pancakes?" I asked.

"Great as usual, babe." Kyle said standing up and pecking me on the lips.

He washed and dried the dishes while I drank my usual cup of coffee. Kyle was an amazing boyfriend. He helped me so much with everything I needed to and he always went out of his way to do something special for me. I loved him and it was a healthy relationship.

"What time will you be home tonight?" he asked.

"Not sure, probably around five." I shrugged.

After Niall left last year I decided to emerge myself with work. I started my own fashion company called ' V's designs ' and most of the profits I give to cancer research. The company is almost as successful as my mother's which makes her furious. I met Kyle at a charity event a couple months ago and things quickly became serious. He's the CEO of a huge business company and we both enjoy our jobs even though the hours are long.

"Well once you get home I'm going to take you out." Kyle said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"And where would we be going?" I asked with my hands on his chest.

"Just to the local bar. We can maybe get a little drunk and then have some fun tonight." he said with a smirk.

"Sounds fun." I said biting my lip which I knew it drove him crazy.

"Stop doing that or you're never going to get to work." Kyle mumbled as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Sorry babe but I've get to get ready or I'll be late." I smirked and slowly pulled away from his loose grip, walking into our bedroom.

I took a shower and combed through my knotted hair. I blowed dried it and changed into my black pencil skirt, white flowing top, and black heels. I checked the time and I knew was going to be late again.

I ran out of the room, gave Kyle a quick kiss, "Bye, love you."

"See you later, love you too." he responded and then I left for another day at work.

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up tangled with another girl from the bar. This one had long blonde hair and fake nails. I quickly grabbed my clothes that were thrown around the room and put them on. I went down to my kitchen and made a pot of coffee to help with my hang over. The girl from last night eventually came down and I slid her a mug of coffee.

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