Chapter 38

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Violet's P.O.V.

I unlocked the door and Harry was sitting on the living room couch watching TV.

"Hey babe, how was work?" he asked as he turned off the TV and hung up my coat for me.

"The meeting for the new line was successful but guess who came to visit me today." Harry gave me a questioning look as we sat down on the couch, "My mother."

"Your mother?" he repeated surprised.

"And she demanded that I shut down my business. Plus she told me that it was pathetic." I explained as I raked my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Who does she even think she is? I can't believe she even came to talk to you after everything that's happened." Harry said angrily.

I leaned back into the couch and tried to relax but all I could think about was my mother. It was astonishing how she thought it was okay to come into my business unannounced after years of not speaking to each other. I only wish I said what I wanted to instead of standing there like a fool.

"But more importantly, are you okay?" Harry asked as he kissed my lips.

I nodded my head, "I'll be okay. She's just threatened that we'll become number one."

We sat for another couple minutes, talking and occasionally kissing. This was the Harry that I've missed. He's been so different for so long. I almost forgot who the Harry I fell in love with was like.

I didn't want to interrupt this bliss but we had to talk about everything that's been going on. I couldn't keep it all in my head any longer.

I pulled away slightly, creating a distance between us, "Harry, we need to talk."

He nodded his head but ran his hands through is hair in frustration, "I don't know where to start Violet."

"You don't know where to start? How about the fact that you come home drunk practically every night." I said trying my hardest to stay calm.

"I know I do but I want to change. And I've said I'm sorry." Harry said looking at me.

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore. Sorry doesn't change anything. You have to actually change, Harry. I can't keep living like this. It isn't healthy and it's hurting me." I looked away from his stare.

"Well what do you want me to do Violet?" Harry started to raise his voice, "I'm trying here! I'm trying to change but it's hard! This was my pattern after I left you and it's a lot harder to stop than I thought it would be."

"Well then maybe you need some help." I raised my voice so it was equal with his.

Harry let out a loud laugh, "Help? You want me to go to rehab? I'm not a fucking drunk."

"Well I obviously can't help you so maybe you need someone else!"

"This is ridiculous Violet. I'm not going to rehab." he said walking away.

"Stop walking away from me Harry." I followed him into the kitchen.

"What do you want from me?" Harry said under his breath as he gripped onto the kitchen counter.

"I want my boyfriend back," I said frustrated, "I want you to stop coming home drunk. I want you to stop getting into so many bar fights. I want you to stop calling me a bitch or any other name after I take care of you. I want to not feel scared of you when you come home. I want to not be alone every single second of the day. I want to feel like I'm your girlfriend."

Harry's voice softened, "You don't feel like my girlfriend?"

"No," I tried to keep my voice leveled, "I'm always alone. I'm alone in the morning because you're either not here or you're passed out because of how drunk you were the night before. Then I leave for work and when I come back I'm alone again because you're getting drunk again. And I especially don't feel like your girlfriend with all of these pictures of Sarah around."

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