Chapter 15

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2 months later

Violets P.O.V.

It's been two months.

Two months since I've last seen Vivian and my mother.

Two months since I've last talked to Harry.

Two months since Vivian died.

Too much has happened in the past two months. I graduated high school with Niall and my friends. I've been staying with Niall for the past two months. I haven't talked to Harry since the day of the accident.

And it's been exactly two months since Vivian, my little sister, died in a California hospital across the country from me. My mother called me to tell me the news. It was a warm sunny day, Vivian's favorite.

When my mother called me, she wasn't crying. Her voice wasn't shaking and it sounded like she wasn't affected by her own daughters death at all.

After Vivian passed, my mother stayed in California. She moved her work there without ever returning to see how I was. She kept the house here so she could return one day but I knew that wouldn't be anytime soon.

As soon as I woke up, I remembered what happened two months ago on this day. It's the day my world came crashing down.

I dragged myself out of bed like I do every morning and jumped into a hot shower. The hot water felt good against my bare skin and relaxed my muscles.

Getting out, I dried my body and hair, throwing on black shorts with a loose white tank top. I combed my hair and braided it on the side. I put some mascara and concealer and walked downstairs to try to find Niall.

As I walked into the empty kitchen, I saw a post-it note stuck onto the countertop. The note was written in Niall's sloppy boy handwriting.

Good morning, didn't want to wake you up but be at the coffee shop before 11.
I'll order the usual, see you later;)
- love the bestest person in the world,

I smile at the note and grab my black sandals, purse, sunglasses, and phone. Sliding my sunglasses on, I make my way to the coffee shop, me and Niall's usual place.

I see him sitting in our usual spot in the corner, away from the rest of the world. This was our little safe haven, the place that felt like another home.

I pushed through the door, feeling a cold breeze of air through my hair.

"Hey Ni," I said smiling, sitting down in a chair across from him.

"Good morning sleepy, someone slept a little later today," Niall said teasingly.

"I was tired, it's hard learning my mothers company."

As much as I disliked my mother and her fashion company, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to work for her business. I need something to do over the summer and it would help get me bigger and better jobs later in my life. It was be the perfect internship for me.

"I know Vi, but don't worry about it too much. Just have fun, we are only 18 once."

I nodded, taking a bite out of my muffin.

"So why are we really here?" I asked Niall.

We haven't been here in forever, even though it was our usual spot. Too much was going on and all I wanted to do was stay in the house. I avoided going out as much as possible. I knew if we were here he wanted to talk about something important.

"You know me too well," Niall said sighing.

I smirked slightly, waiting to hear what he needed to talk about.

"Okay well, um you know how I've been looking around for music camps and stuff like that?" Niall asked, fumbling slightly with his words.

I nodded my head slightly, suddenly nervous and excited about where this conversation was going.

"So yesterday I got a call from this big time music producer and he wants me to come record some stuff for him. It's part of this program."

I jumped up, giving him a big hug, "Niall that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

He pulled me away from the hug, a look of sadness on his face.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, I'm glad you're happy for me but the music producer is in England and I have to go to him, he won't come here."

"Oh," I slumped back into my chair, "How long will you be gone?"

"A couple weeks probably. But it could be months. It all depends on how well everything goes."

"Niall I'm still so happy for you. You're dreams are coming true, you deserve this," I said smiling, "When do you leave?"

"In a week."

"Wow, that's soon."

"I know Vi, I'm sorry but you can stay at my house for as long as you need and we can talk everyday. You still have to call me if you need anything though." Niall said, smiling lightly.

"I know," I said smiling, "I'm so happy for you Niall. I'll miss you but this is amazing. They will love you and your voice."

"Thanks Violet."

I nodded my head, smiling. I was truly happy for Niall. His dreams were about to come true. I would miss him but he deserves this, he has an amazing voice.

We grabbed out stuff and walked out of the Coffee House, back into the summer heat. We linked arms, thinking about the next couple of months and what they would bring.

A.N. Okay just to clear some things up if you guys have questions since the book skips two months:

The last time Violet has talked to Harry is about two months ago. They haven't talked since the night in the hospital.

Vivian died two months ago from this exact day that Violet's meeting Niall at the coffee house. Vivian died from being in the coma, they couldn't save her. She died in the hospital in California so Violet wasn't with her.

Violet and Niall also live together because Violet doesn't want to stay at her own house by herself. It has too many painful memories.

Niall's going to a music program in London so it's over seas since Violet and Niall live in New York.

Violet's mother is a fashion designer who lives in California now because she didn't move back after Vivian died.

It's during the summer. Everyone's graduated high school and Violet has an internship for her mothers company in New York. It's just so she has something to do and it's for the experience.

Hopefully that just made everything clear.
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