Chapter 10

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A.N. THIS IS JUST A LITTLE BIT OF A FILL IN CHAPTER TO LEAD TO THE DRAMA :) hope you like it so far, vote and comment what you think

Violet's P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch laying next to Niall. He was deep asleep and his blonde hair was a mess. His cheeks were rosy and his mouth was hanging open. He looked at peace and so relaxed.

His eyes fluttered open and a smile spread onto his face. "Good morning," he yawned and sat up. He stretched out his arms and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning," I said smiling. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Niall thought about it for a few seconds before asking for pancakes.

"Okay, sounds good," I said, getting up and walking to the kitchen to make some.

I searched through Niall's pantry, but there was barely anything in it and the same went for his fridge. His parents were out of town, but I thought he would have at least went grocery shopping.

"Hey, Niall?" I yelled from the kitchen.

When I heard no response I went to find him and found him sound asleep on the couch again. I wrote him a note saying I was going to get groceries before grabbing Niall's car keys off the hook, since I didn't have my car, and leaving for the store. Once I arrived I grabbed a cart and started shopping.

As I was turning into an isle I bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I said, looking up at the stranger.

He had light brown hair that swept right above his blue eyes and tattoos covering his arms. He was taller than me and skinny. He was dressed in all black and he was very attractive.

"It's fine," the stranger said. "I'm Louis."

"Hi, I'm Violet," I responded, slightly taken back at his friendliness.

"Oh, I thought you looked familiar," Louis said while I gave him a questioning look. "Harry took you home from the bar the other night. I was there with him and a couple other friends."

"Oh, um yeah," I said, suddenly becoming nervous. Who was this guy? Was he associated with Andrew or Harry?

"Don't worry. I'm not into all the drugs and alcohol like the rest of them," Louis reassured me. I became less nervous after he admitted that. Louis was different and it seemed that he was telling the truth.

"Okay," I said smiling. "Can I ask you something though?"

"Depends what it is," Louis shrugged, pushing his hair off his forehead.

"Is Harry into all of that stuff? Like the drugs and the alcohol?" I asked timidly. I didn't want this to get back to Harry, but I wanted answers more.

Louis laughed. "Not all of it, but Harry's different too."

"How?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"I think I'll let you figure that one out for yourself," he said smiling. "I don't think Harry's going to be leaving you alone anytime soon."

I didn't say anything after that. I was trying to process what that meant. How is Harry different? And what does Louis mean by Harry won't be leaving me alone anytime soon?

"I have to go but it was nice talking to you, Violet," Louis said, getting out his phone so we could exchange numbers.

"You too," I said, taking my phone back and shoving it into my back pocket.

"See you around and don't forget what I said," Louis reminded me before walking away. I waved goodbye and continued to shop. I was almost done when I heard my phone buzz.

Pulling out my phone, I saw my mother's name light up on my phone screen. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that she would even try to talk to me after what happened. She's the one who kicked me out and now who knows where I'll go. I ignored the call and tried to finish my shopping.

About five minutes later I heard my phone start to buzz again. Her name lit up across my phone screen again.

Why is she still calling me? I answered the phone, ready to begin another argument with her.

"What, mother?" I snapped.

"Violet, it's Vivian," she said, it sounded like she was crying. "We got into a car crash and I don't know if she's going to be okay."

A.N. ooo a little bit of a cliff hanger, hope you guys are enjoying it so far :) the next couple of chapters are going to be long and hopefully interesting. I plan to update on Thursday or Friday, vote and comment what you think (:

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