Chapter 37

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Violet's P.O.V.

It's been exactly a week since I left Kyle and I was starting to run out of clothes and other essentials. Harry and I mostly stayed in the apartment with each other, avoiding work and other responsibilities. I felt at home with him and it was a nice change to feel this way.

"We should probably get the rest of your stuff soon." Harry said, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

We were laying in his bed and both his arms were wrapped around my torso. My head rested against his shoulder and our legs were intertwined.

"I guess I have to eventually." I said, looking out the bedroom window at the amazing view of the city. I could see thousands of buildings towering over the streets and I could faintly hear the cars speeding around, trying quickly to get wherever they needed to.

"Want to do it today? Just get it over with?" Harry was leaving small kisses up and down my neck as he spoke.

I turned around so I was facing him, "Kyle should be at work in about an hour so let's do it then."

Harry nodded and we slowly got dressed. We ate breakfast, showered, and were in the car heading back to my old apartment in an hour. I still had my key so I would be able to get in. Harry parked in the parking lot but before he could get out of the car I stopped him.

"I think I need to do this alone." I said looking down at my hands. I knew Harry would hate me going in there alone but I needed to do this by myself and be strong.

"Babe you know I don't want you going in there by yourself. What if he's there?" Harry said frowning.

"He'll be at work and even if he is there, I can handle it. I have to face him eventually."

Harry nodded, "Just call me if you need anything and if you're not back in 20 minutes I'm going up there."

"Thank you." I quickly kissed him and headed up towards the apartment.

I got to the door and it took all my strength just to open it. I was nervous and scared that Kyle would be home. I walked in and the place looked exactly like I left it. I heard movement to my right and turned to see Kyle walking out of the kitchen. His eyes were glued on me and he froze once he saw me. He was wearing only black sweatpants that hung from his hips and his hair was a mess.

"Violet." Kyle said shocked, "You came back."

I could barely speak, "Only to get my things."

I could tell that what I said crushed him but he had to know I couldn't be with him anymore. I turned away and walked into the bedroom to get the rest of my stuff. I found my suitcases and quickly shoved everything of mine into them. Kyle followed me into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. He watched me intently as I packed.

"Are you really choosing him?" Kyle sounded broken and hurt. It was hurting me to see him like this and I couldn't bare to stay here much longer.

I ignored his question, "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I haven't been back since the day you left. I've been calling in sick."

I didn't answer him, I just continued to pack.

"Answer my question Violet." he said weakly, "Are you really choosing him?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him directly, "Yes, I love him."

"You said you loved me."

"I did, Kyle." I sighed, "It's just not enough with you. He makes me so happy."

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