Chapter 7

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"Violet dinner is ready! Come downstairs!" I heard my mother scream from the bottom of the stairs.

Groaning I rolled off my bed, turned off my music, and walked down to the dinning room table. The dinning room table could sit about 20 people but it was only the three of us. My mother sat at the head of the table, Vivian sat to the left of her, and I sat on the right.

"Smells good Mother." Vivian said.

"Well thank you but I didn't cook it honey, David did." my mother said almost smiling, "He's such an amazing cook and he's so kind."

I rolled my eyes. It was so obvious she was hooking up with him or something.

"What's up with you and David anyway?" I asked.

"What do you mean Violet? There's nothing going on between me and the cook." she snorted.

"Yeah right." I muttered.

"Violet just because you are jealous that I can get a relationship and you can't, doesn't mean you can be snobby and rude." she remarked.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Just don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous of you Mother! I'm not the one who was left by her husband for some random whore! There's obviously a reason Dad left you for her!" I yelled.

I felt a hard slap on my cheek and I looked up at the woman who was barely my Mother.

"Do not talk to me like that young lady! Maybe you're the reason he left us! Maybe he didn't want to deal with a daughter like you!" she yelled back.

I pushed back my chair and ran out the front door. I kept running and running. I don't know where I was going but definitely far away from her and that empty house.

I came across a park and sat down on a swing and cried. I cried for my sister who had to see all that, for Bitch-toria who wasn't even a mother to me, for my dad who left us for some other woman, and everything else that's ever gone wrong.

After about 20 minutes of sitting on the swing I decided to keep walking. Soon I reached the bad part of town and the first thing I saw was a bar. Its music was loud and I could smell the alcohol from here. It was perfect, exactly what I needed to get my mind off things.

I walked straight in, no one asked for an ID or anything but I'm sure I looked scary enough from crying that no one was going to bother me. Everybody was either drunk or passed out. I pushed my way past the sweaty bodies to the bar and asked for the best drink they had.

The bartender gave me a tall blue drink and I gulped it down. It was so good, I felt alive. Everything that seemed important 30 minutes ago wasn't anymore. All I cared about was being here right now and getting another one of these drinks.

"Can I get another?" I asked the bartender.

He gave me another and I gulped it down. It was electrifying. I felt someone sit down on the stool next to me.

"Hey pretty girl, what's your name?" the stranger asked.

I looked up at him. His dark hair was in a quiff and his eyes were sparkling, they looked almost orange or yellow but they were gorgeous. He was tall and muscular, wearing a tight shirt and black jeans.

"It's Violet what's yoursss?" I asked him smiling, feeling the alcohol start to kick in.

"Ah now the pretty face has a name," he said smirking, "and I'm Andrew."

He turned towards the bartender and said, "Hey Danny, get us two shots."

Danny gave us two small glasses and we drank them quickly and then did the same with two more each. By now I felt a little drunk but it still wasn't enough.

"So Violet do you want another one of those drinks?" Andrew asked.

I nodded and bit my lip. I felt my phone go off inside my pocket and took it out to check who it was.

Message from Niall:

Hey Vi just wanted to make sure u are all alright and make sure nothing happened with Bitch-toria ;)

I read the message and put my phone back into my pocket without responding.

"Who was that?" Andrew asked me.

"No one. Is that my drink?"

"Oh yeah, here you go pretty girl." he said smirking handing me my drink.

I gulped it down again hoping to get the same buzz I did before. But something was different, it didn't taste the same as it did before.

Before I knew it I was starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded. Everything around me was spinning fast and was becoming blurry.

"Violet are you okay?" Andrew asked me with his hand on my upper thigh.

"Yeah just a little dizzy." I said feeling my eyelids begin to droop. My body was becoming heavy and I could barely sit up straight.

"Good." I heard Andrew say with that grin growing wider right before I blacked out.

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