Chapter 35

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Violet's P.O.V.

"Oh my goodness." Helen exclaimed.

Alex's parents stood in the doorway with both their mouths hung open. I quickly moved off Alex so I was standing next to him. I could feel that my cheeks were bright red and so were Alex's.

"We'll just come back another time." Patrick stated, dragging Helen out of the room and shutting the door.

Alex started to laugh loudly.

"Holy shit, that was so embarrassing. Alex, stop laughing." I said, gently hitting his arm.

"That was hilarious," he said still laughing, "Did you see my mothers face?"

I tried not to laugh but his laughter was contagious and I couldn't help myself. We laughed until we could hardly breathe. After we calmed down I pulled up a chair next to his bed. I intertwined my fingers with his and we sat there quietly.

"You're being discharged tomorrow." Alex said with his eyes focused on me.

I nodded my head but didn't say anything.

"Are you excited?" he asked.

"I guess. It's going to be weird to leave." I said staring at our hands.

"Because Harry won't be there for you?"

I held back the tears that came to my eyes just from thinking about it, "Yeah, but I'll be okay. I'll have Niall and I'll come visit you every day."

Alex looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. He just nodded his head and continued to hold my hand. Eventually we both fell asleep, still holding hands.


I woke up hours layers and Alex's grip was loosened on my hand. I sat up and stretched out my back. I heard the constant beeping of Alex's heart monitor and his deep breaths.

I left quickly to the vending machines and got a bag of chips and a water. I saw the time on a clock in the hallway, it read 12:26am. I was being released today. I knew Harry wouldn't be there when I left and that thought scared me. But I would have Niall and Alex and maybe even Liz and Eleanor.

I got back to Alex's room and sat down in the same chair. I closed my eyes for a second but something was missing. It was quiet. I looked at Alex's heart machine and it was silent.

"Alex?" I said, shaking him to wake him up, "Alex!" I yelled.

I shook him harder. He couldn't be gone. I screamed his name over and over again. Nurses came rushing in and pushed me out of the way. They began CPR and tried to start his heart again but nothing happened.

"Alex, wake up!" I yelled and tears started to fall down my face.

"Someone get her out of here!" a nurse yelled.

I was pushed out of the room and I saw Helen and Patrick sitting in two chairs. They were holding each other close, sobbing. I started crying harder until my body was shaking with sobs. A nurse came out and told us Alex was gone. I ran the other way back to my room. No one was in there and I barely made it to the bed before I collapsed.

Niall walked into the room saying something about being released until he saw me. He froze where he was.

"He's gone isn't he?" he whispered.

I cried even harder, if that was possible. Niall came over and held me in his arms like he's done so many times before. I cried myself back to sleep until I woke up hours later. Once I woke up Niall already had the release forms ready for me to sign and my bags packed. I signed them and within 30 minutes we were leaving.

We arrived at Niall's new apartment that we would share until he left for London again. I wanted him to get back to the music program soon. The only reason he left was to come back for me and he deserved to do something for himself.


2 weeks later

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Niall asked while packing his bags.

"Yes Niall, I'll be perfectly fine." I said, folding a couple of his shirts, "I told Alex I was going to be strong and that's what I'm going to be."

"But I'm going to be so far away. What if something happens?"

"I'll be okay. I have Eleanor and Liz that I can turn to. You need to go back to that music program. It will be so good for you. I promise I'll be fine."

"Okay okay. My flight leaves in four hours."

"Then we better hurry up."

4 hours later and we were standing in the airport. Niall had his luggage with him and was dressed comfortably for the long trip to London.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Vi." Niall said, embracing me in a hug.

"I'm going to miss you too."

"Just remember I'm only a phone call away. Call whenever you want, okay?"

"Niall, I'll be fine but okay." I said pulling away from the hug, "Now go so you don't miss your flight."

"Okay I'm going," he said as he picked up his bags.

I gave him on last hug and whispered, "Bye, love you."

"Love you too, bye. I'll call you when I land."

I nodded my head and Niall left to get on his flight. He boarded and I watched his plane leave and disappear into the sky.

"And I'm alone again." I sighed to myself and quickly left the airport back to the apartment.

A.N. short chapter but it was eventful :( I wrote this chapter at 3 times and I just can't get it right so hopefully this was okay

hope you guys are liking the story and don't be ghost readers !!
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btw thank you so much for 1k reads, I never thought it would get that many reads so thanks :)

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