Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

I knew she was here from the minute she walked through the bar doors. I could feel the air change and everything became different. I watched her as she pushed her way past dozens of people and sat down at the bar. It looked like she had been crying. Her hair was tangled and her makeup was smudged. She had an old sweatshirt and leggings on but she still looked beautiful. If there was one thing I could say about Violet it was that she was beautiful and I wasn't the only one who noticed. Everyone noticed, except for her. They noticed at school, on the streets, at the movie theater, and even in this crappy bar.

I could feel my jaw tightening. Why was she here? She could get hurt or something could happen to her. Who knows what kind of pricks are here getting drunk with their hormones raging.

I saw Andrew sit down next to her. Andrew was a dick but he was able to charm his way through everything. Within a couple minutes he put something inside Violet's drink and she blacked out. He was slipping his hand up her thigh getting ready to leave and take Violet with him.

I pushed the girl sitting next to me with the short dress aside and made my way through the dozens of sweaty bodies.

"What the fuck did you do to her!" I yelled over the music at Andrew.

"Nothing." he said trying to leave.

"Put her down." I said feeling my hands tighten into a fist.

Andrew gave me his annoying smirk and tried to keep walking. I punched him square in the jaw, he staggered back and dropped Violet. Before she could hit the ground, I caught her shoulders, picked her up and walked out.

"This isn't over yet Styles!" I heard Andrew yell from behind me.

I unlocked my car and laid Violet in the back seat. I turned the heat on high and drove back to my apartment. I brought Violet up to the third floor trying to make it look almost normal that I was carrying a passed out teenage girl in my arms. She was too light, I could feel the bones in her back and in her thighs. I opened my apartment door and set her down on my bed. I put a blanket over her and grabbed her phone to see if she had any missed messages from someone.


What is up with this guy and Violet anyway? He's probably crazy or weird or something. I put her phone on the bedside table next to her, grabbed a pillow and blanket, and slept on the couch.



I woke up with a terrible headache. What happened last night? I could barely remember anything. I looked around and started to panic. Where am I? I've never been here before.

Okay come on Violet think, what happened last night? I know I got into a fight with my mother and left. I remember being at a park and then walking for awhile. Oh god and then I went into a bar. What happened there?

I slowly got up and slipped my phone into my back pocket. Looking around it seemed like a guys room but it didn't look like anyone else slept in here except for me. The walls were a dark color with black furniture, there were pictures scattered across the room of a girl who looked my age, and a huge window looking out onto the city.

I crept out into the hallway trying not to make any noise. I heard snoring coming from the living room and peeked my head in.

I saw a mess of curls on a pillow and tall body slung over the couch. I moved over to the front of the figure and realized it was Harry.

What the hell am I doing in Harry Styles apartment?

"Harry." I said poking his bare arm.

He barely moved even after five more attempts. I grabbed a pillow off one of the other couches and hit him over the head with it.

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