Chapter 17

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There he was sitting, staring me down with those green eyes. Everything around me seemed to blur and I couldn't think straight.

"Excuse me, I need to go use the restroom." I said, quickly turning and walked away from their table and most importantly Harry.

Why did I come here? I should have known Harry would be here. Louis and him are best friends, I'm so stupid to think he wouldn't be here.

After the night in the hospital Harry just left me. He left me alone and ignored me for two months. It's not like we were friends but he could have at least talked to me. He could have helped me after everything I told him.

"Violet wait!" I heard Harry call from behind me.

I walked faster through the crowds of people on the dance floor, just trying to get away from him.

"Violet wait," Harry said, grabbing my wrist and turning me around, "Why are you here?"

"I bumped into Louis and he invited me. I didn't know you were going to he here." I sighed, turning away again.

"Violet, will you wait one minute, god damn it." Harry said, chasing after me again, getting frustrated.

I made my through the bar but ended up finding the back exit instead of the bathrooms.

I pushed my way through the back door and leaned up against the brick will across from the bar. Five seconds later, Harry emerged as well.

"Violet, can we just talk?" Harry asked.

"Fine Harry, you want to talk? Let's talk," I said frustrated, "How have you been the past two months that you've been ignoring me? I can tell you how I've been. My mother left me, Niall just left for England, I've been basically depressed, and my sister died. And you didn't even say I'm sorry for your loss or some shit like that. You ignored me for two whole months, even when I tried talking to you, you just brushed me aside."

Harry ran his hands through his hair, "I know and I'm sorry, okay? I had to leave you alone though. I'm a bad influence. I only knew you for a short amount of time and I was already causing too much trouble for you."

"It's not okay Harry. You can't just come into my life and then leave because you think you're a bad influence, which is a crappy excuse by the way."

He sighed and leaned against the wall, "I'm sorry Violet, or should I call you coffee girl? Maybe instead of coffee, you'll spill a beer on me tonight." Harry said laughing.

I blushed, "Not funny Harry."

"You know it's funny." Harry said, smirking and walking over to me.

I bit my lip as he came closer. He walked until he was less than two feet away from me.

"Harry," I said, getting nervous.

He came closer and pushed my hair out of my face, "You look different than you did two months ago."

"A lot has happened since then."

He nodded his head slowly, moving closer.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"Something I've been wanting to do for two months." Harry whispered and then pressed his lips to mine.

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