Chapter 9

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His breath smelt like peppermint and his eyes were locked with mine. Right before we were about to kiss my phone started ringing.

I jumped up, startled, and hit our foreheads together.

"Shit," Harry mumbled, rubbing his head.

"Sorry," I apologized, holding my head and checking my phone. My screen lit up with Vivian's name.

I let out a sigh, but ignored her call. Sadly, I would eventually have to go back home. I can't hide at Harry's forever.

"You probably need to get going soon," Harry said awkwardly.

"Um yeah. I'll call Niall to come pick me up."

"No, it's fine. I can drive you," Harry offered and I wasn't about to deny it. I didn't want Niall to know I was here, at least not yet.

I thanked him and grabbed my shoes from Harry's bedroom before we left. I texted Niall on the way down to Harry's car asking if I could crash at his place and he happily said yes.

I got in Harry's car which was unbelievably nice. It had a leather interior and was all black. I wondered where he got all this money to afford his own apartment and car.

"I need to go to my house first," I said, giving Harry directions.

We pulled up into my driveway as Harry stared at the huge house. It seemed to intimidate us both.

Remembering the events of last night, I slowly got out of the car. My mind raced with worry as mg breaths increased and my entire body began to shake.

What if my mother is here? What about Vivian? What if we get into an even bigger argument?

"Do you need me to go in with you?" Harry asked, standing next to me, his hand on my back.

I slowly nodded my head and started walking towards the front door. I unlocked it with the key we kept under the welcome mat and made my way up to my room with Harry following behind.

"Woah, your house is fucking huge," Harry said astonished.

"It sucks," I admitted, opening the door to my room.

I quickly put everything I needed for a couple days into a suitcase and started to head back downstairs. As soon as I got to the top of the stairs the front door slammed shut.

I froze where I was, suddenly becoming even more nervous as I thought about what could happen if that was my mother.

"C'mon, Violet. Let's get out of here," Harry whispered in my ear, leading me down the rest of the stairs.

The first thing I saw at the bottom was my mother. She was wearing a tight purple dress with pearls and black heels. She looked as intimidating as ever with her red lipstick and sharp, brown eyes.

"Violet? What on earth are you doing here?" she asked me with her high pitch voice.

"I came to get my stuff. I'm going to stay with a friend for awhile," I replied.

"No, you're not, Violet. You will stay in this house with your sister and I," she said, walking closer to me and Harry.

"No, I'm staying with a friend for a couple days. I can't stay here with you and Vivian anymore." I tried passing her, but she blocked my path. She stood there with her hands on her hips and a look that could kill.

"You will stay here, in this house, Violet Rosemarie. You do not have a choice anymore. I am your mother. You have to listen to me," she scolded me, but I didn't have any more patience for her.

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