Chapter 25

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Harry pushed open the door and there his father was, sitting behind a huge wooden desk. He was tall like Harry and was fit. His hair was messy and grey and there were a pair of glasses sitting on his nose. He looked up when we entered, his emerald eyes were just like Harry's.

"Harry, it's great to see you. Who's this young woman?" Harry's father asked, standing up.

"This is Violet." Harry answered.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Styles." I said, shaking his hand.

"Please call me Robert. Have a seat."

Harry and I sat down on the two arm chairs across from Robert's desk. He was bouncing his leg nervously and I knew he was worrying that this was a mistake.

"So Harry, I know you didn't just come to pay your old man a visit." Robert said sitting behind his desk, taking his glasses off.

"Yeah, I have a favor to ask you." Harry said, suddenly becoming very interested in his hands.

Robert looked over at me and I knew I shouldn't be there while they were talking.

"I'm going to go wait downstairs." I said getting up, dropping Harry's hand that I was holding.

"Wait no, Violet." Harry started to say.

I interrupted him, "It's okay Harry, you don't need me to do this."

I turned my back, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind me.

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat across from my father. He looked much older but still acted the same. I was angry he made Violet feel uncomfortable but I was nervous to ask him for help.

"So what is it Harry?" my father asked.

I couldn't find the right words to string together, everything seemed jumbled in my mind.

"I don't know how to tell you but I need money. I'm in debt to this guy Andrew and he's threatening the people who are close to me."

"Like Violet."

"Yes, but he's hurt someone I loved in the past. I know what he's capable of."

He sighed, "Harry, how did this happen?"

"After mom was gone and I moved out I got involved with the wrong type of people and then one thing led to the other."

I felt uncomfortable telling my dad all of this but I needed to keep Violet safe and anyone else Andrew might go after.

"Your mother wouldn't have wanted this for you, she wanted you to be happy."

"How can you even talk about her like this? You're the one who cut off her life support, you didn't even give her enough time to fight for her life." I clenched my fists, trying not to loose my temper even more.

"Harry, I feel guilty about that every single day but she was dying. She was in pain, it was too much for her."

"She could have lived longer, she could have beat it."

"She was dying, Harry. There was no possible way she could have survived. There was nothing else anyone could have done, it was the better thing for her."

I ran my hands through my hair, some where inside of me I knew he was right but he couldn't be. She could have beaten it, she could have survived and watched us grow older. She could have watched us graduate, get married, and have kids.

"I loved your mother and I still do. If there was anything I could have done to save her, I would have," my father said "We can talk about everything else tomorrow. Hopefully we will both be calm and can talk about this rationally."

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