Chapter 16

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The next week went by too fast. Me and Niall spent almost every minute together, dreading the day he would have to leave. But that day has come and it's today.

I rolled out of bed and got dressed to go to the airport with Niall. I threw on blue skinny jeans, a loose black tank top shirt, sandals, and put my hair up in a sloppy bun.

"Vi, you ready to go?" Niall yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs. Niall had all his suitcases packed and in my car and was waiting by the front door to leave.

"Hey don't look so sad, I'll be back before you know it." Niall said, pulling me into a quick hug.

"I know, it's just I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, loser." Niall said, joking around.

"Shut up, I'm not the loser." I replied back, teasing him.

He laughed, pulling me out the door and into the car.


45 minutes later and we are standing outside of the gates at the airport. Niall's flight boarded in 10 minutes and I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

"Okay, come here," Niall said, pulling me into a big hug, "I'll be back before you know it, you'll be okay Vi."

"I'm just going to miss you so much. I lost my sister and mother this year and now I feel like I'm losing you."

"But you're not and I'll be back soon."

I nodded my head, holding onto him. I didn't want him to get on that plane and I knew he didn't want to leave me. It would be amazing for him to have a career in music and I wanted that for him.

"Flight 42 to London, England please board now."

That was Niall's flight. I pulled him in for one more hug, feeling tears trying to pour out. I couldn't let him see me cry, he wouldn't leave if I did. He has given so much up for me in the past two months and I have to let him have this.

"I'll be back before you know it," Niall whispered against my hair, holder me tighter.

I nodded, slightly pulling away, "Now go so you don't miss your flight."

"I love you Violet." Niall said, walking away.

"I love you too Ni."

I watched as he walked away and handed his ticket to the lady at the gate. He turned around and waved one last time before disappearing into the tunnel.

I watched Niall's plane take off and disappear into the sky. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest, suddenly realizing that he was actually gone. I knew I would see him again but I would miss him terribly.

I sat down on one of the chairs, composing myself so I wouldn't have a breakdown in the middle of the airport.

I watched families meeting again, couple saying goodbye, and people running around trying to catch their flight.

Finally composing myself, I got up to leave but as I was halfway through the door I heard someone call my name.

"Violet?" I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned slowly around, "Louis?"

"Yeah, hey it's good to see you again. It's been awhile." he said with the same smile he had the last time I saw him.

His hair was longer and a little darker but he dressed and still looked the same way.

"Yeah it definitely has. How are you?" I asked, trying to be polite even though I just wanted to leave and go back home.

"I'm okay, how are you doing? I heard about your sister and everything. I'm so sorry Violet."

"It's fine, I'm doing much better but thanks for asking."

"What are you doing here anyway?" Louis asked.

"My best friend just left for some music program in England. He gets to work with a music producer. What are you doing here?"

"Wow my friend Liam just left for the same thing, maybe they'll meet." Louis said, chuckling slightly.

I nodded my head, hoping to get out of here.

"I know you probably want to get home but I'm going for a couple drinks, want to come along?" Louis asked me.

I hesitated, nothing good ever happens when I go to a bar but who cares? My best friend just left the country, "Sure why not."

Louis smiled and gave me a ride. We arrived at the bar about 10 minutes later and thankfully it wasn't the same one I went to a couple months ago.

The place was loud and dirty. Even from the outside I could tell it was trashy.

"C'mon in." Louis said, leading me into the bar and past sweaty bodies.

After pushing our way through, we got to a small table. There were 5 people already sitting there.

"Violet, this is Nate," Louis said pointing to his left.

Nate was muscular with dark straight hair that was cut short and hazel eyes. He looked tall and offered a friendly smile, which I returned.

"And this would be Liz,"

Liz was sitting next to Nate, she was skinny with long strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She was gorgeous.

"Hi Violet, it's nice to meet you." Liz said smiling.

"You too."

"This is Zayn," Louis said pointing next to Liz.

Zayn was tall, muscular, and very attractive. He was dressed in all black and I could see tattoos popping out from his shirt. He gave me a small nod and then turned back to his drink.

"And this is Ava,"

Ava had dyed blonde hair, brown eyes, and pounds of makeup on. She looked me up and down, rolling her eyes. I could tell already I wasn't going to like her.

"And this is the lovely Eleanor, my girlfriend." Louis said, smiling brightly.

Eleanor was tall and skinny. She had long brown hair and was stunning. Her and Louis looked adorable together.

"Hi, I've heard so much about you." Eleanor said.

I smiled back but was confused, was it Louis who told her about me?

I looked around the table at all the new people. I made eye contact with someone I didn't see before. He was sulking at the end of the table, half hidden from the dark lighting in here.

It was the last person I wanted to see right now, Harry Styles.

A.N. What do you guys think will happen next?
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