Chapter 28

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Harry's P.O.V.

Crying. That was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Gemma sitting next to me in a chair.

"Harry? You're awake." Gemma said looking up.

Her eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Gem," I said, my voice was barely above a whisper, "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Harry."

Gemma called in a doctor and my father followed behind him. The hospital room was ridiculously white and smelt strong of antibiotics.

"Hello Harry, I'm Doctor Welsh. How do you feel?" he asked me.


The doctor handed me a cup of water which I quickly drank before he explained what happened.

"As your sister told you, you're in the hospital. You got into a car crash and you have a concussion. We had to stitch up your right arm since it was cut open from glass but those should heal quickly. You have been unconscious for two days but other than that, you've healed very quickly." Doctor Welsh explained.

I tried processing all the informations through my head and suddenly everything came back. I remembered driving home with Violet, seeing Andrew, avoiding the car crash ahead but then a car crashed into us.

"Violet?" I said, trying to get up.

Gemma gently pushed me back down, "She's okay right now. I've checked on her."

"Who did they call? She doesn't have any family. It's just her mom and she doesn't care at all."

"We called her mother but she didn't answer and hasn't called back. I said I would act as her guardian until we can reach someone." my father said.

"Call Niall. His contact will be on her phone."

My father and the doctor left to call Niall and I was left alone with Gemma.

"Gem, how is she really?"

She sighed, "It's not good, Harry. The car crashed right into her and broke a couple ribs along with her leg," Gemma hesitated and looked down at her hands.

"What else?" I pushed.

"She's in a coma. She hasn't woken up yet and it's not looking too good."

I felt my eyes start to fill up with tears, I couldn't lose Violet. Not like I lost Sarah and my mother already.

"When can I see her?" I asked.

"You're being discharged tomorrow if everything goes okay."

I laid back down and closed my eyes. How could this be happening again?


"Violet." I said, walking closer to her.

We were in a white room, even whiter than the hospital. It looked almost as if the room was glowing. I looked down at myself, I was in the hospital gown but no longer hooked up to those stupid I.V.s. Violet wore a white dress that flowed down her body and ended a little above her knees. She looked beautiful as usual.

"Violet." I said again, trying to walk closer.

I tried reaching her but every step I took, she only got farther away. I started to run towards her but I still couldn't reach her.

"Violet!" I said louder, I stopped running and just tried reaching out to her, "Please, I need you."

No matter what I did or what I tried, she only got farther and farther away.

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