Chapter 4

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What? No, he can't sit next to me. We've already had a bad start and I don't need chemistry to be any worse than it already is.

"Hey coffee girl." he whispered in my ear as he sat down in-between me and Ariana.

"It's Violet." I said rolling my eyes.

"I like coffee girl better." he said smirking.

"Ahem. I'm Ariana." Ariana squeaked sticking out one of her hands with fake nails and a fake tan.

"And I'm Harry. Ariana what are you doing later tonight? Since I'm new, I could really use..." But before Harry could finish, Mr. Hayworth interrupted.

"Now students take out your text books and read pages 40-59 by the end of the period. If you don't finish it will be homework. I expect a notes page to be handed in on your assigned reading first thing next class. You may begin."

I groaned opening my text book, flipping to the right page. It was hard enough to read a chemistry text book but was even harder when Harry and Ariana were whispering to each other non stop.

After 30 minutes of trying to read, the bell finally rang so I grabbed Niall and we left.

"Having fun sitting next to Harry, Vi?" Niall asked me sarcastically with a smirk.

"Oh yeah it's just so great. Between him and Ariana it's going to be a long year."

"Aw sorry Vi but I've got to go to 7th period. I'll meet you at the usual place."

"Okay see ya later Ni."

"Bye Violet." Niall said walking away.

As I was turning around I walked straight into a hard surface, again.

"At least this time you weren't holding coffee." I looked up and saw that the "hard surface" I bumped into was once again Harry.

"Sorry but I've got to go to study hall. Bye." I said shortly walking away.

"Hey wait, I'm going there too and I don't know where it is so I'll just go with you."

"Um okay sure."

To say that walking together was awkward is an understatement. Walking with Harry was beyond awkward. We walked in silence, me staring at my feet and him clenching and unclenching his fists every 5 seconds.

"So where did you move from?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"None of your goddamn business." he snapped clenching his fists and tightening his jaw.

"Holy shit sorry I was just asking, trying to make conversation here."

"Whatever. I have to go bye."

What was that? I've never seen someone change personalities as quickly as Harry Styles just did. I could tell there was something dangerous about him, but I could still feel myself being pulled farther and farther in. I was attracted to him. He was like a magnet and I kept getting pulled closer and closer. I wanted to know everything about him. But the strange thing is, I wanted him to know everything about me too.

A.N. Hope you guys like the story so far. Please vote and comment, thanks

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