Chapter Ten: Late Night Surprises

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Staring up at her bedroom ceiling, Katelyn grumbled to herself as she kept on thinking about her kiss with Sergio; she hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind and she wished that she could just forget it.

It had been completely unexpected and Katelyn knew that she couldn’t let anything like that again, she felt so conflicted since she had liked Sergio’s kiss but she had nearly kissed Iker as well.

Closing her blue eyes, Katelyn tried to fall asleep wanting to forget for a couple of hours before she had to get up and continue work on finding Daniel’s accounts; she had found evidence of a couple and she was doing her best to find more.

Katelyn groaned rubbing the palms of her hands into her eyes, she wanted nothing more than to sleep but her mind kept conjuring very dirty thoughts; she didn’t want to be thinking about how Iker or Sergio looked naked right now.

Looking up at the ceiling, Katelyn sighed before throwing back her bed sheets and climbing slowly out of bed; she straightened out her sky blue woven sleepshirt before padding towards her bedroom door.

Slowly opening the door, Katelyn peeked out nervously knowing that Iker and Sergio would be sound asleep in their own rooms on the 2nd floor of the house; she didn’t want to run into either of them right now since she was trying to keep things friendly.

Katelyn chewed on her lip as she made her way up from the ground floor, she made sure to avoid the creaky stairs on her way; she didn’t want to disturb the two men that needed sleep as much as she did.

Moving as silently as she could, Katelyn thought about Iker’s offer to take her to church, it had been a surprise and she wondered if this a sign that she was winning his trust.

Katelyn had been a little surprised that Iker had a local church but he had been quick to let her know that the Los Merengues all lived in the local area; they had settled there so they didn’t have to deal with the local city.

Reaching the first floor, Katelyn nibbled on her lip wondering what she was going to do and if there was some way that she would be able to stay in Madrid after all of this; she didn’t want to go anywhere else.

Brushing some hair from her face, Katelyn walked into the kitchen and popped the kettle on so that she could make herself some hot chocolate to try and help her sleep.

Katelyn paused hearing an odd sound, she tilted her head trying to hear it again but shook her head when she didn’t hear anything; she moved to make herself some toast knowing that it couldn’t hurt.

Katelyn doubted that she would be getting much sleep tonight, she might as well get a bit of a head start on her work; she could nap later in the day when she had a chance to relax.

Leaning against the counter, Katelyn closed her eyes and wondered how she had gotten into this situation; she had found herself getting attached to the two men that she lived with.

Iker and Sergio were very different men and Katelyn didn’t understand how all of this had played out, she just wished that there was someone that she could turn to and talk to about what was going on.

The sound of a man’s breathless moan made Katelyn open her eyes, she held her breath knowing that it was coming from where on this floor; she hadn’t seen anyone when she had come up the stairs so that only left the office.

Standing quietly for a moment, Katelyn took a deep breath before she slowly moved towards the office, the door was slightly ajar and she couldn’t help but be curious.

Katelyn was sure that it was just Iker or Sergio watching something that they shouldn’t be on the main computer, she had no idea why she was moving towards the door especially when the person was having a private moment.

Katelyn peeked through the small gap between the door frame and the door, she clapped a hand over her mouth surprised at what was happening inside the office; it explained so much especially why Sergio seemed so protective of Iker.

“Joser Sese,” Iker moaned softly leaning back against his desk, his fingers brushing through his friend’s hair; his brown eyes closed as he let his head fall back enjoying what Sergio was doing to him.

Katelyn stood silently watching the scene before her, she had no idea how she had missed something like this before and put it down to the fact she’d been locked in her room during the first part of her stay in the house.

Iker fisted at Sergio’s hair, he swallowed thickly knowing that he wanted more of this; he pulled Sergio off him and hulled the man to his feet desperate to relax after the day that he’d had.

“Cojeme,” Iker breathed kissing Sergio, he knew what he wanted and he wasn’t going to let it slip away now; he wrapped his arms around the man that he trusted with his life.

Sergio rested his hands on Iker’s hips, he had been with the man for six years and he knew how to make Iker forget about the bad things in life; being in prison had been hard and Sergio had been thrilled to see Iker again after doing time.

“Me encanta tu culo,” Sergio groaned softly, he had no idea what he would ever do if anyone took Iker from him but he knew that he would make them pay; he kissed his best friend knowing that he couldn’t have been happier right now.

Katelyn slowly moved back away from the door, she had no intentions of watching the two men further when she had been left with nothing but more questions.


“Do you think she liked what she saw?” Iker asked leaning back on his desk trying to catch his breath, he peeked at Sergio who was pressing kisses to his collarbone; he hoped they hadn’t frightened Katelyn with what she had witness.

Sergio snorted and looked at his lover, he had been surprised when Iker had told him that he had taken a liking to the blonde but after his own kiss he couldn’t deny it as well.

“I hope so… or things are going to be pretty awkward,” Sergio murmured ducking down to kiss Iker, he wasn’t sure how they would work all of this out but a trip to see their former boss Raul might hold the answers that the two sort.

Iker closed his eyes, he had no idea how they would explain any of this to Katelyn; it didn’t make sense and he hoped she would understand after they had begun to court her.

“We’ll take things slow… separately we will win her around and then tell her,” Iker mused softly, the past two months had changed everything for Katelyn and she was no longer Daniel Cardona’s loyal daughter; she would be the perfect addition to the Los Merengues if she acted the role that she was going to play.

Sergio nodded his head, they were going to need all the help that they could get if this was going to work; it wasn’t uncommon for the lead of the mob to take more than one lover.

Raul had done the same and had come out married not only to his beautiful wife Mamen but to Guti as well; the trio were blissfully happy and had a few children of their own.

“I think we should take her to see Mamen… she’d be able to explain the situation better than us,” Sergio mused knowing that when they did tell Katelyn the truth then it would make sense to let her talk to someone who had been through the same things as she had. 

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