Chapter Eighteen: Raul, Guti and Mamen

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“Katelyn… this is Raul,” Iker said introducing his girlfriend to his former boss, he had wanted another month before bringing Katelyn to Raul’s home and he hoped the visit went well.

Raul raised an eyebrow at the blonde, he had been a little surprised that Iker had brought her to his home; he had a feeling that this wasn’t a social visit and he would help in any way he could.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Katelyn replied nervously, she had no idea why Iker had insisted that she could with him to meet with Raul and his wife; he hadn’t given her any clues about what was going on.

Katelyn fidgeted in her blue fit and flare dress paired with light grey strappy sandals, she had no idea what to think about any of this only that something important would come from it.

“The pleasure is mine,” Raul mused turning his attention to Iker, his friend had been waiting to come to his home for a while and he had a small idea why; he was a little surprised that Iker wanted something like that himself.

Katelyn was silent as she peeked between the two men, Sergio hadn’t returned from parking their car and it made her a little nervous about where he could have gone.

“This is Mamen, my wife,” Raul introduced with a smile, he leant back in his chair content glad that Iker had come to him; the blonde seemed a little innocent for this life and she would need to talk with Mamen if Iker was to get what he wanted.

Mamen watched Katelyn, she was happy that Iker was finally going to settle down; she wanted him to be happy after what had happened with Sara and she was sure Katelyn was a fine choice.

“Why don’t we leave the men to their talk?” Mamen said getting to her feet, she didn’t have to be told that Iker wanted her to talk to Katelyn; she was aware of how shocking some of the traditions could.

Katelyn slowly nodded her head, she couldn’t cling to Iker and she knew that if Iker trusted Raul and his wife then she had nothing to fear.


Mamen sipped on her coffee while she settled down in the conservatory with Katelyn, she had spent a little while asking the blonde questions and keeping conversation light between them.

“You and Raul seem very happy here,” Katelyn said politely, she had no idea how Raul had been able to walk away from the life that she was currently living and it gave her hope that this wasn’t for life.

Katelyn feared that one day it would all end in tears, the holidays had been stressful enough and Iker had been so busy trying to find out who was plotting against him that she barely saw him or Sergio.

“We are… him and Guti are happy to retire,” Mamen replied smiling, she had spent years worrying for her husbands and when the children had come along things had gotten worse; now she was happy to be away from all of that.

Katelyn stared confused, she hadn’t heard of Guti and she only knew that he had once been Raul’s second-in-command like Sergio was Iker’s; she wondered what he had to do with it.

“Guti?” Katelyn asked trying to make sense of what Mamen had said, she wondered if Mamen had been in a relationship like she was with Iker and Sergio.

The two men of her life seemed so at ease with their polyamorous relationship and Katelyn was still often surprised with how calm they seemed to the idea of sharing her.

“My other husband,” Mamen confirmed with a smile, it was often a shock for people but she was happy and she didn’t care what anyone else thought about the way that she lived her life.

Katelyn was in the same place and Mamen was going to help her realise that it was okay, she was safer with two men than with one and they wouldn’t let her be harmed.

“You’re married to both Raul and Guti?” Katelyn asked surprised, she had never thought that was possible and she had thought that she would be forced to choose between Iker and Sergio if she ever wanted that.

Katelyn knew that things were different but she had never thought that marriage was going to be possible, she didn’t know what to say or think right now.

“I am… I have five children to them,” Mamen mused thinking about her children, she loved how simple things were now and her children had everything that they could ever want.

Mamen had no idea which of her husbands had fathered each of her children and it didn’t matter to her; Raul and Guti were wonderful fathers and not knowing only made things better.

“I don’t understand,” Katelyn admitted a little confused, everything seemed so simple and normal for Mamen and it was something that Katelyn had never thought could be possible.

Mamen smiled understandingly, she had been the same when Raul and Guti had proposed and she hadn’t had anyone else to turn to; she had been forced to deal on her own and she wasn’t going to let Katelyn go through the same.

“We’re no different than anyone else,” Mamen reassured, things could often be a bit crazy and it had taken her time to get used to the idea that her surname was González Gutiérrez but that didn’t change how she felt.

The two women were silent for a moment allowing Katelyn to think, her head was spinning and it was slowly starting to dawn on her why Iker had brought her to this house; she swallowed and clutched at her drink.

“They’re planning to propose,” Katelyn whispered suddenly wanting something a lot stronger than coffee, she had no idea that Iker and Sergio had even thought that far.

“More than likely,” Mamen agreed with a nod of her head, she wasn’t going to hide the truth from Katelyn when that was what she needed right now; things would be strange but no one would lay a hand on her afterwards.

Katelyn took several deep breathes, she had to admit the idea was appealing but she feared just what would happen if she did say yes.

Of course her surname would change from Cardona Martell to Casillas Ramos and that would make her very happy but Katelyn couldn’t shake the feeling that they were rushing things for a reason.

“I doubt they want to wait long… my boys didn’t,” Mamen laughed softly, she had barely been with Raul and Guti a year before she found herself married; she knew that the men of Los Merengues weren’t known for their patience.

Mamen wonder just how long Iker and Sergio would wait before they got Katelyn pregnant for the first time, she had fallen pregnant with Jorge only a couple of years after she had married Raul and Guti.

“What do I do?” Katelyn asked looking to Mamen, she would love the idea of marrying both Iker and Sergio but she was frightened about why they were actually doing it.

Katelyn knew Iker was worried about being overthrown in the gang and that things weren’t going to end well if he was taken out; she could only imagine what would happen to her.

“You say Yes… and I am here to help you in any way that I can,” Mamen advised with a smile, Katelyn was good for Iker and he needed that right now things were going to be hard the next few months; then everything would go back to normal.

Katelyn nodded her head, she wanted what Mamen had with Raul and Guti that much she was certain of.

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