Chapter Thirty-One: Christmas Day

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she stared at the ceiling as she thought about everything that had happened since last Christmas; she wished things were simpler and they weren't on red alert right now. 

Iker and Sergio weren't taking any chances and wanted to ensure that their family remained safe over the holidays, they didn't want anything to happen since they knew that Mourinho could come to Madrid at any time. 

Katelyn shook her head and sat up, she peeked at Sergio's sleeping forming already knowing that Iker had climbed out of bed a while ago; she smiled glad that they were both here with her. 

Katelyn moved to climb out of bed only to be stopped by Sergio, she rolled her eyes and he mumbled pulling her back into bed; she looked at him wondering what he was thinking about. 

"Stay," Sergio mumbled softly, he tugged Katelyn into the bed and held her close without opening his brown eyes; he had no intentions of getting up when he had the day off, he was going to spend it with his family. 

Katelyn settled back into the bed, she cuddled into Sergio's side and she wanted nothing more than to enjoy today; she didn't want to think about what could happen in 2016 only that things were going to change even more. 

"Iker's making dinner," Sergio murmured wrapping both of his arms around Katelyn, he was sure that things would be okay and he wasn't going to let anyone pull his family apart. 

Katelyn nodded her head, she closed her eyes hoping that everything was going to be okay; she wanted nothing more than to believe that things were going to work out. 

Katelyn couldn't shake the feeling that was building inside of her, she prayed that a war wouldn't break out; she didn't want to lose anyone and she wanted to think they could survive what was coming.


Katelyn kissed Iker softly as she brushed her fingers through his hair, she couldn't believe how much had changed for them since last Christmas; she was going to focus on how happy they were right now. 

Katelyn pulled away from Iker and looked over at Sergio was fussing over their daughter, she smiled softly as he helped Sansa open up her presents; she rested her head against Iker's as Sofia got up to take her things to her bedroom. 

Katelyn watched her sister-in-law leave with Marcelo following her, she shook her head wondering when Sofia would realise that constantly pushing Marcelo away wasn't going to work or acting tough. 

Katelyn kissed Iker on the cheek before getting to her feet, she had gotten her sister-in-law a special gift and she knew it was a small way of saying thank you to her for what she was doing. 

Sofia had been training Katelyn again since their shopping trip, it felt nice to be getting back into shape after having Sansa and being able to fight back a little. 

Katelyn also knew that Sofia needed her help, she had apparently come across something that worried her and requested the blonde's help; she didn't know what they would be doing but it was important that Iker and Sergio didn't find out. 

Katelyn smiled to herself, she was a little excited about being involved in a top secret mission; she wanted to help and this was her chance, she could do something without feeling so useless. 

On her way to Sofia's bedroom, Katelyn stopped in hers and collecting the bag that contained Sofia's present; she smiled to herself glad that she hadn't given it to Sofia while they were with the others. 

"Knock, knock," Katelyn announced walking into Sofia's bedroom, she smiled at the sight of her sister-in-law and she knew that her gift would be perfect for her; Sofia looked up surprised to see Katelyn in her bedroom.

Katelyn closed the door behind her, she didn't need Sergio or Iker knowing what she had gotten Sofia for Christmas; she doubted that Sergio would be thrilled at her gift, what brother wanted to know that his sister was having sex. 

"Sofia... you should give Marcelo a little something," Katelyn teased winking at her sister-in-law, she had seen how Sofia was with Marcelo and she hoped that this would loosen her up a little and help her relax. 

Katelyn had picked up the present while they had been out shopping, she had wanted to do something nice for Sofia since she was great company after being stuck around the men for so long. 

Katelyn knew that there were other wives in the gang but with them all on lock down right now, she had never met them; Iker and Sergio only allowed selected people to be around her and most of the women had no idea what their spouses did. 

"I'm not sure Katelyn," Sofia whispered feeling self-conscious, she hadn't really thought about taking the next step with Marcelo; they hadn't been together long and she was a little nervous. 

Sofia was very focused on dealing with the Mourinho problem, she wanted to get rid of the threat that he posed to her family; he would destroy them and she wasn't going to let that happen. 

"Well here's is my gift open it," Katelyn said grinning handing over the bag, she wondered if Sofia had noticed that she had taken a little trip to Victoria Secret; she watched Sofia open the bag before her sister-in-law started to blush. 

Sofia stared into the bag and carefully lifted out a satin gown that was inside, she couldn't believe that Katelyn had actually done this for her; she chewed on her lip wondering what the hell she would do with this. 

"Katelyn this is... no I... can't you have them, use them for Iker and Sergio," Sofia spluttered trying to politely decline the gift, she couldn't accept this and she wasn't sure that she could do this right now.

Katelyn rolled her eyes and watched Sofia, she was a little surprised at how flustered her sister-in-law had gotten over some lingerie; she had never thought this would be such a problem. 

"Nope besides watching you and Marcelo kiss, you both looked like you wanted to rip each other's clothes off so here," Katelyn teased knowing that she had missed this part of her life, she had left so many people behind when she had joined the Los Merengues and there was no getting that back. 

Katelyn wondered what Daniel had told her mother, he had tried to murder her and she doubted that her mother would still be with him if she knew the truth. 

"Gracias," Sofia murmured smiling at Katelyn, she had never really been good a keeping women friends; she had always been so focused on her training and become the best at what she did. 

Being a mobster's daughter didn't help, Sofia had always been expected to marry some Northern mobster for the sake of her family; moving to Madrid with Sergio had ended that and her father hadn't spoken to her since she made the move. 

There were times that Sofia did miss her family, she missed her mother, older sister and older brother but she knew that there was no way that she could change what had happened. 

"Go get him," Katelyn said patting Sofia on the shoulder before she moved to go and check on Sansa, it was nearly naptime for the infant and she didn't want to ruin Sansa's schedule. 

Sofia watched Katelyn go and shook her head, she was sure her family would love Katelyn if they ever got to meet her.

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