Chapter Twenty-Three: You Can Trust Me

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"How are you feeling?" Iker asked balancing the phone on his shoulder, it had been two months since he had left Katelyn behind and it had been far from easy; they were still no closer to finding the traitor. 

Iker wished that he could be back with Katelyn on the island but it wasn't possible, he and Sergio were busy at work and their phone calls with Katelyn were all they had to enjoy right now. 

Things were going from bad to worse for the Los Merengues and Iker knew that if he didn't do something soon then he would lose complete control of the gang; he didn't know who was causing all of this trouble but they had started blowing up parts of Iker' empire. 

Iker smiled listening to Katelyn talk about her life and the baby, she was thirteen weeks pregnant now and had a tiny bump; a sight that Iker wanted to see in person and not just over skype. 

Iker resisted telling Katelyn just what was going on back in Madrid, he didn't want her worrying and he knew she'd want to come back to be with him and Sergio. 

The last thing that Iker or Sergio wanted was for Katelyn to return to Madrid and become a target, whoever was doing all of this would kill her in a heartbeat just to get at them; they wouldn't want either of the Casillas or Ramos bloodline coming back to haunt them. 

Katelyn's pregnancy was a secret and one that Iker and Sergio would take to the grave, the only other people that knew where their chosen secret keepers that sat in different gangs who would be charged with looking after Katelyn if something happened to them. 

Iker has selected the Blaugrana gang leader, Xavi Hernandez as his secret keeper; they had been friends for years and Iker knew that he could trust his friends with his life. 

Sergio on the other hand had picked his close friend, Fernando Torres, as his secret keeper; the other man had been out of the country the last few years and had recently returned.

"Everything is fine amor," Iker reassured not wanting to scare Katelyn, he honestly didn't know what to do and whoever was doing all of this was doing well at hiding their tracks. 

Iker leant back in his chair, he couldn't tell Katelyn what was happening and he was glad that she was safe on the island away from here; there was no way the traitor would be able to hurt her or the baby. 

"I have to go... I'll speak to you soon," Iker promised hearing someone knock on his office door, he hated to cut things short with his wife but he didn't want anyone discovering her. 

Iker and Sergio had kept the fact that they had married Katelyn and they were expecting their first child; Iker set down the phone before he called whoever it was inside. 

Álvaro Arbeloa stepped into the room carrying a box, he smiled at Iker knowing that it had been a long couple of months for them all; he wondered for a moment who Iker had been on the phone with.

Arbeloa had a feeling that it had been Katelyn, no one had seen her and he guessed Iker had hidden her away with everything that was going on; it wasn't a secret that the crime boss had a soft spot for the blonde. 

"The Diaz files," Arbeloa mused setting them down on Iker's desk, he smiled pleased that he had managed to bring them there and he was glad that he would be able to head home to his wife soon. 

Iker nodded his head, he leant back in his chair wanting nothing more than to take a break; he couldn't imagine how much work had just been dumped on his desk.

Sergio wouldn't be back for another hour and Iker was hoping that he would find time to skype with Katelyn; he hated cutting things short with her when he loved talking to her.

"Everything okay?" Arbeloa asked moving towards his boss, he could see how exhausted his boss was and he knew that Iker had a lot on his plate right now; he could only imagine all the work Iker had to do. 

The entire gang was on red alert with a traitor in their presence and no one could work out who was trying to cause a war between them, the Los Rojiblancos and any other local gangs; they were getting help from Daniel Carbona and were destroying the gang from the inside out. 

"Perfect," Iker replied not wanting to discuss business with Arbeloa, he had nothing against the man only that he didn't know who but Sergio to trust right now. 

Arbeloa nodded his head, not believing Iker for a moment and he hated that the older man never seemed to completely trust him; he had always done what Iker had asked even if he didn't like it. 

"Come on you can talk to me," Arbeloa pushed standing in front of Iker's desk, he wanted to help his old friend and he knew that this was the only way. 

Iker stared at Arbeloa for a moment, he wasn't sure what it was but there was something about the man before him; in the last few years he had been a bit off with Iker especially since Iker had taken Sergio as a lover and his second-in-command. 

"It's nothing," Iker said getting to his feet, he moved to show Arbeloa out of his office wanting to get his paperwork done; he wanted to relax tonight and talk with Katelyn more about baby. 

Arbeloa frowned not happy that again Iker was turning him away, he didn't understand why Iker just didn't seem to trust him; he had been nothing but loyal to the gang and he always did his best. 

"You can always trust me Iker," Arbeloa mused watching his boss, he hated that Iker never seemed to see him as more than a friend and he was going to prove he could be better. 

Turning away from Arbeloa, Iker took a deep breath and tried to ignore the odd feeling in his stomach; he opened his mouth to reply only for something to hit him over the back of the head and his world to go black.


"Iker wake up," a voice demanded making Iker groan, his head felt heavily and his right shoulder felt like it was on fire; he couldn't bring himself to identify the voice only that they seemed worried. 

Iker couldn't remember what had happened, he attempted to move only for the burning in his arm to flare up and someone hold him down; he could hear people talking but they sounded so far away. 

Iker slowly felt himself drift away, he could feel the dull ache of pain returning to his body and he wished to escape it; he slowly stared to fall asleep when he was stopped. 

"Mierda don't go back to sleep," a voice ordered with a heavily accent, he sounded familiar and Iker couldn't open his eyes to see who had spoken to him. 

Iker tried to listen to what was being said, he felt so tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep; there seemed to have been some sort of accident involving him but he couldn't hear what was being said.

"Stay with us Iker," a voice urged making Iker listen, he recognised that voice and wanted to listen to it; it was so close to his head and he felt them take his left hand trying to comfort him. 

Iker could hear the people talking, he could make out certain words and he gathered that something big had happened to him; he wondered if they had told Katelyn, he hoped that they hadn't, he didn't want her to worry. 

"Hang on," the voice told him, they squeezed his hand before moving away from him to bark orders; the smell of smoke seemed heavy in the air and Iker felt the need to cough. 

Iker felt himself being lifted from the ground as he slipped back into unconsciousness knowing he was safe now.

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