Chapter Sixteen: Sergio's First Date

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Katelyn took a deep breath as Sergio helped her out of his Audi R8, she had been a little surprised when he had insisted on taking her out for the evening but she guessed that she would have to get used to it.

Sergio smirked to himself, he hadn’t been able to resist bringing Katelyn into the city and he had talked it through with Iker; they were very protective of the woman that they shared.

Wrapping an arm around Katelyn’s waist, Sergio slowly walked them over to the restaurant throwing his keys to the valet; the restaurant was run by the gang and Sergio knew it was the best place to bring Katelyn for their first date.

“Relax,” Sergio murmured offering Katelyn a kiss, she was tense and he was sure people would think she was here against her will if she didn’t relax; he thought she looked simply gorgeous in her pink V-neck stud front dress paired with black strappy heeled sandals for their date.

Katelyn nodded her head, she was a little nervous and couldn’t shake the feeling that people were staring; she guessed that they were since she was here with someone like Sergio, everyone would know who he was.

It made Katelyn wonder how long it would be until people worked out that she was also a member of the Los Merengues; she guessed it would be a while since she wasn’t as active as Sergio was when it came to daily running of the gang.

The host was quick to show the couple of the table, he didn’t even look at Katelyn in fear of upsetting the boss; he scurried away making Sergio chuckle, everyone knew better than to anger him since he had such a bad temper sometimes.

Katelyn watched the host rush away and looked at Sergio, she raised an eyebrow at him as he pulled out her chair for her; she could only imagine why the man was frightened of him.


“Should I ask why the staff are scared of you?” Katelyn asked after they had ordered, the waiter hurrying away after taking their orders; she sipped on her drink watching her boyfriend curiously.

Katelyn wasn’t stupid, she knew that Sergio was dangerous and he did a lot of the dirty work for Iker and it made her a little curious; she had never truly seen that side to him.

Sergio chuckled and shook his head, he wasn’t about to scare his girlfriend off not when he had only just settled down again; he had seen what telling people did and it never ended well.

“No reason,” Sergio replied trying not to think of what had happened with his last girlfriend, he had lost her because of Daniel and he was getting over that now with Katelyn.

There was silence between the couple for a moment, Katelyn nibbled on her lip knowing that there were things that Sergio kept hidden and she wished that he would talk to her.

“Did you want to talk about it?” Katelyn offered gently, she wasn’t going to push him and she doubted that he would scare her away with whatever had happened.

Iker had mentioned that Daniel was the reason that Sergio had gone to prison and he had lost someone because of it; she was curious about what had happened.

“Not here,” Sergio murmured shaking his head, he smiled at Katelyn knowing that he had to tell her about Lara just like Iker would have to talk to her about Sara but it wasn’t easy.

Katelyn nodded her head letting it go for now, she wasn’t going to push fearing that he might close up and shut her out; things were still very new between them even after two months of dating.

Katelyn chewed on her lip while she tried to think of something to say, she felt a little nervous and she didn’t want to talk about gang business while out on a date; it didn’t seem right to talk work.

Sergio gently laced their fingers and smiled, he had never been with someone like Katelyn before and it was new to him; he was used to having to lie about what he did for a living or paying them for their time.

“Are you a virgin?” Sergio asked curiously, he couldn’t help himself and it had been a talk he’d had with Iker that made him bring it up now; they were both curious since Iker had brought her off during their tattoo session last week.

“No,” Katelyn squeaked surprised at the question, she didn’t know what had made him think that she was; she stared at Sergio who chuckled amused at her response.

Sergio’s brown eyes filled with amusement, they looked lighter than before and Katelyn knew that he was relaxed; he always was when it was just the two of them and they were alone.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” Sergio reassured, he would need to talk to Iker about this since they were curious as to how things would play out.

They had been forced to push back their trip to speak with Raul and they knew that it had to happen soon; neither of them were patient men and something was bound to happen sooner or later.

“Why?” Katelyn asked wondering why he had wanted to know, she guessed that it was something that he had discussed with Iker without her knowing.

Katelyn couldn’t imagine why it would interest the two men, she was dating the both of them and it would be her decision who she slept with first; no one was going to be forcing her to do anything that she didn’t want to do.

Sergio smirked watching Katelyn, he sipped on his wine pleased that this didn’t complicate things; he could imagine what would happen when Katelyn met Mamen.


Sergio deepened the kiss as the couple stumbled into the house, his hands eagerly pulling her closer while he kicked the front door shut; he couldn’t help himself and he didn’t want to.

Katelyn squeaked as her back forcefully hit the wall near the entrance, her fingers where tangled in Sergio’s hair and she pulled him closer while he pinned her between him and the wall.

Sergio slowly started to push Katelyn’s dress up her legs, he knew what he wanted and he didn’t want to stop; he started to kiss down Katelyn’s neck pleased with how their first date had went.

Katelyn whimpered tightening her hold on Sergio’s hair, she smiled at the groan that he gave and she could only imagine what was going on inside Sergio’s head right now.

The clearing of Iker’s throat pulled the couple apart, they panted surprised that he had come down to them when they had been so sure that he’d be asleep by now; they could see that he looked a little off.

“Iker…” Sergio murmured a little annoyed, he could see that his lover wasn’t doing this on purpose and it made him wonder what had made Iker come to them; they’d had a great evening and things were getting interesting.

Katelyn watched her eldest boyfriend, she could see on his face that something had happened while they had been out; it made her stomach twist and it was clear the night for them was over.

“We need to talk,” Iker said hating that he was about to ruin this for Sergio, something had come up and he needed him right now; he would make it up to later but right now they had a problem.

Katelyn gently righted herself pulling away from Sergio, she didn’t have to ask to know that Iker didn’t mean her; she felt her stomach twist at being left out a little.

“Go,” Katelyn urged Sergio, it was clear that Iker needed him more right now than she did.

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