Chapter Thirty-Eight: Guilty Feeling

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror, she carefully brushed her fingers over her bruised left cheek; she knew that things weren't going to get any easier.

It had been a rough couple of days and she was more than relieved that Marcelo had arrived even if it had come with the fact that Sofia had tried to end her life; Katelyn wanted to get out of this hellhole and she doubted that anything would make Sergio forgive his family for what had happened.

Katelyn had been shocked at the fact that Paqui had just turned a blind eye on what her eldest son and husband were doing; she was sickened that she didn't say anything to them while they had nearly killed Sofia for not doing what they wanted.

Katelyn quietly walked out of the bathroom and moved to check on Sansa, she smiled a little at her daughter before moving to pick her up; she was sure that they would be going back to Madrid as soon as Sofia woke up.

Gareth had pumped her stomach after she had tried to end her life by overdosing, it was going to be a rough time for Sofia when she woke up especially when Marcelo told her that she had miscarried a baby that had been conceived by one of her rapists.

A knock at the door made Katelyn stiffen, she had no idea who it could be but she hoped that it wasn't René or his father; she wanted nothing to do with the two men.

"Kate it's me," Marcelo called making Katelyn sigh in relief before she moved to let him into the room, she had tried her best to keep away from the Ramos family after what had happened to Sofia.

Katelyn was so worried about what would happen if she wasn't careful, René had told her that if she didn't fall in line then she would end up like Sofia fighting in the cages.

Katelyn had seen a few of the matches, she knew for a fact that there was no way that she would be able to survive a match in there.

"How is she?" Katelyn asked trying to settle Sansa, she knew that Gareth had sedated Sofia so that she would have a chance to recover physically after what she had been through.

Gareth was far from pleased at the state of her shoulder after she had been shot, he knew that it would take even longer than before to heal and he was sure that it wouldn't heal completely after fighting in the cage.

"Gareth is going to wake her up later today," Marcelo murmured running a hand through his hair, he was so worried about how Sofia would be mentally when she woke up and he couldn't wait to get her away from these people.

None of the family but Mirian had even noticed that she was hurting, René only cared that she wasn't fighting in the cages winning him money; the sooner that they were back in Madrid the better.

Katelyn nodded her head, she couldn't imagine the state that Sofia was going to be in but she knew that this couldn't have come at a worse time; they were at war right now and this was only going to make things worse.

"We'll leave for Madrid tomorrow," Marcelo continued looking around the room, he had hated to leave Katelyn and Sofia in the house of these people but he only had the one hotel room and Sofia was recovering in it.

Marcelo had spoken to Iker and Sergio about what they were going to do, they were going to travel back to Madrid and then if the city didn't remain safe then they were going to be sent to Gloynt Islands until it was safe.

"I'm all packed," Katelyn replied knowing that she couldn't wait to get out of here, she had been living with Sergio's family for nearly two weeks; she was hopeful that they wouldn't be staying any longer.


Mirian took a deep breath as she stood outside the hotel room where Sofia was, she wasn't sure what she was doing but she wanted to know if her sister was okay; she had not been able to forget her talk with Katelyn.

It didn't help that her husband wasn't speaking with her, Carlos had been the one to inform her that Sofia had tried to take her own life; Mirian had felt sick at the thought at what her sister had tried to do and how bad things were.

Slowly moving to knock on the hotel room door, Mirian wasn't sure what was going to happen but she wanted to try and see if her sister was okay; she felt a horrible guilt about what had happened.

Carlos had also told Mirian that Sofia had fallen pregnant after the night that she had arranged with his brother; it made Mirian feel sick and she doubted that she would ever forgive herself.

The door opened and Mirian shifted nervously at the sight of Marcelo, she had heard that he was engaged to her sister and she wasn't sure how he would react to her.

Marcelo stared at Mirian, he wasn't sure why she had come here but this wasn't what he needed right now; he hated the entire family minus Sergio and he wished that they would just leave him and Sofia alone.

"Hola," Mirian murmured looking down at the floor, she had a feeling that he already knew who she was and she doubted that her sister had anything nice to say to her; she had been a terrible sister to Sofia and there was no way to fix that.

Marcelo glared at Mirian knowing that he didn't want her anywhere near Sofia, she hadn't protected her sister from what everyone else and she had helped Sofia want to end her life.

"I was wondering if I could come in," Mirian asked shifting nervously, she had a feeling he was just going to slam the door in her face and she wouldn't blame him if he did.

Marcelo stared at Mirian as if she was crazy, there was no way in hell that he was going to let her anywhere near Sofia after what had happened; he would do anything to fix the damage that she had helped cause.

"Why would I do that?" Marcelo asked staring at Mirian, he was itching to slam the door in her face and he was sure that he would get the chance soon enough; Gareth would be there soon to help wake Sofia up.

Marcelo had everything planned to get everyone out of Seville and back to Madrid, he was sure that with everything going on that they would soon be able to relax and things were getting better in the capital.

"Because you are going to need my help to get out of Seville," Mirian replied already knowing of his plan to take her sister, Katelyn and Sansa back to Madrid; she wasn't going to tell him how she had found out but his plans weren't secret anymore.

Marcelo stared at Mirian wondering how she knew what was going on, he hesitantly stepped back and allowed her to step into the room; if she knew of his plans there was no doubt that René knew the truth as well.

Mirian looked around the room before her eyes landed on her sister, she swallowed feeling ill at how pale and sick her sister looked; she wanted nothing more to fix this.

"How do you know I was planning to leave Seville?" Marcelo asked staring at Mirian, he didn't want her in his hotel room but he wanted to know just how much the Los Nervionenses knew about his plans.

Mirian took a deep breath, she was only doing this to try and make things right after what had happened with Sofia; she didn't want anything to happen to Katelyn and Sansa.

"I will tell you what I know... if you do a little something for me," Mirian said crossing her arms and staring back at Marcelo; she wasn't sure what was going to happen but she had to do this.

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