Chapter Thirty-Five: We Need a Plan

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Katelyn whispered softly to Sansa as she held her daughter close, she couldn't believe that it had been over a week since she had been on her mission with Sofia and things were still tense. 

Sofia was in a coma and there was no sign of her waking up anytime soon, she had lost a lot of blood and Marcelo was by her side day and night watching over her when he could. 

Katelyn pressed a kiss to the top of Sansa's head, she held on to her daughter wanting nothing more than to forget about all the trouble that was building around them; she peeked over at the bed where Sergio was sleeping. 

Katelyn was worried for her husband, he had been drinking a lot since Sofia had fallen into her mini-coma; she worried that if his younger sister didn't make it then he would never forgive himself. 

"Shall we go and see what papa is doing?" Katelyn whispered to Sansa, she quietly left the bedroom leaving Sergio behind so that he could get some rest; he was no use to them if he carried on the way that he was. 

Katelyn had no idea what was going to happen, she worried that they weren't going to cope with everything that was coming for them; she didn't know how they were going to be able to defeat Mourinho. 

Sansa babbled happily in her mother's arms as Katelyn headed to go and see Iker, she had no idea what was going on and her parents wished to keep it that way; she was barely two months old and they all had things on their minds right now. 

Katelyn smiled spotting Iker, she cooed at Sansa hoping that her husband had a plan that would make it easy for them to fix all the damage that had been done. 

Iker looked up and smiled weakly at the sight of his wife and daughter, he had no idea what to do and the security footage that Sofia had gotten didn't ease Iker's mind in anyway. 

There was so much that needed to be done, Iker had no idea how he was meant to defeat Mourinho and he was beginning to think that he never would.


"I have no idea what we are going to do," Iker mumbled trying to settle Sansa, he fussed over his daughter wanting to keep her safe; he had tightened security and Cristiano had found a lot of bugging devices in the apartment, something that didn't ease Iker's mind at all. 

Katelyn sighed brushing her fingers through her hair, she knew that Iker was struggling but she had no idea what he was going to do; she wished that she had the answers on what they should do now. 

Sergio sipped on his coffee, he leant back in his chair and looked at his family wanting to do something, anything to get revenge for what had happened to his sister; he wanted to destroy the man that thought that he could get away with threatening his family. 

"I wish I had the answers Iker," Sergio muttered shaking his head, he looked over at his husband and taking a deep breath; it had been a long few days for them and he was exhausted. 

Sergio had been running himself down and the dream that he'd had the night before about Sofia had given him hope that she would wake up soon; he wanted her to be okay, he was sure that their family back in Seville will be worried for them. 

Iker sighed looking around the room, he didn't know what to do and he wished that he did; the last thing that he wanted was for more trouble to land at their door, they needed help and he wasn't sure who to turn to right now.

Los Rojiblancos had made it clear that they wouldn't help them, they didn't want to fight in a war no matter who started it; while Xavi was having his own issues right now and Iker knew that he couldn't count on his friend for everything.

"Have you spoken with your brother?" Iker asked turning to look at Sergio, it was a risky decision to ask René for help but they had no choice; they needed the help right now and they needed the Los Nervionenses help. 

Katelyn nibbled on her lip, she had no idea what to think of them seeking out help from Sergio's family; she knew so little of them but what she did know was that they didn't get along well especially after Sergio and Sofia had joined the Los Merengues. 

"I have," Sergio muttered closing his eyes, he couldn't believe that he had contacted them but they had no other choice; he needed his family's help especially if he wanted his wife and daughter to survive. 

Iker watched Sergio, he doubted that it could have been easy for him to speak with them; they had attempted to marry Sofia off into the Los Verdiblancos mob in an attempt to forge a bond between the two mobs but it had fallen through. 

"René says that he will help," Sergio confirmed nodding his head, he looked at Iker and smiled weakly at him knowing what this meant; he wanted nothing more than to make this better. 

Iker sighed in relief, he had no idea what they would do but he doubted that René would do this for free; he would want something in return for his help in defeating Mourinho and the other gangs that had sided with him. 

"What does he want in return?" Iker asked closing his eyes, he held Sansa close wondering how Katelyn would react when he told her that he had plans to send her, Sansa and Sofia to Seville to keep them safe. 

Sergio looked over at Iker, he stared at his husband holding their infant daughter and wished that this was so much easier; he shook his head before looking at Katelyn, he wasn't going to let anything happen to her or Sansa if he could help it.


"It's nice to see you awake," Iker said smiling at Sofia as he stepped into her bedroom, he looked at her knowing that she was going to be far from happy about what was planned but she needed to heal after what had happened. 

Sofia smiled at Iker as Marcelo left her bedroom, she felt horrible but she was sure that there was things to discuss after everything that had happened. 

Sofia could barely remember what had happened during her mission, she had asked Marcelo and Sergio but they hadn't told her much; it worried her that they were both keeping secrets from her.

"What have I missed?" Sofia asked eagerly, she was tired of being kept in the dark and if Sergio and her own boyfriend weren't going to tell her then she would have to ask Iker. 

Iker sighed moving to sit down next to Sofia, he looked at her hoping that she wouldn't be angry with what was planned but it was for the best and he didn't want her hurting herself even more than she already was. 

"We have asked René for help," Iker revealed carefully, he wanted things to go as easily as possible but there was no way around what he was about to tell Sofia and he hoped she wasn't going to cause him more problems. 

Sofia was silent at Iker's words, she had no idea how to feel about that especially since she hadn't spoken with René since he had tried to marry her off to Jorge Molina. 

"Sofia... I'm spending you to Seville with Katelyn and Sansa," Iker stated staring at Sofia, there was no point in trying to hid what was going to happen and this wasn't up for discussion; he wanted his family safe and this was the only way. 

Sofia stared at Iker shocked at his words, she felt angry that he had made this decision without thinking of her.

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