Chapter Twelve: Explanations

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“I can explain,” Katelyn squeaked looking at Sergio, she couldn’t believe that they had been caught like that and she was sure that this was going to end badly; she had no idea what was going on but she felt sick.

Iker chuckled looking at Sergio, he knew that she was probably confused and he didn’t blame her since they hadn’t given her much to go on other than both kissing her and her catching them together.

“There is nothing to explain Katelyn,” Iker mused nodding at Sergio to shut the door, he didn’t want Katelyn making a run for it when they spoke with her; what they wanted was going to be a bit of a shock for her.

Sergio locked the door behind him, the room was pretty much sound-proof now that they had shut the door; no one would be disturbing them until they were finished if any of the gang showed up.

Katelyn looked between the two men wondering what was going on, she didn’t like this and her heart pounded in her chest; she messed with the bottom of her grey V-neck T-shirt wanting to leave and hopeful not get into trouble.

“Relax… you’re not in any trouble,” Sergio mused watching Katelyn, this wasn’t going to be easy to explain and they were sure that Katelyn would listen to them; it wasn’t as if she could escape them anyway since she lived in the same house.

Katelyn nodded her head, she crossed her legs wondering just what was going on; she had no idea what to think as it was clear that she might have been set up.

Iker took a deep breath pulling on his shirt, he looked at Sergio wondering just how to begin; things like this weren’t normal discussed and they were a little unsure how she would react to their request to both court her.

“You know that you can never go back to your old life,” Iker began gently, he didn’t want to upset Katelyn with this talk; he wanted to make things a bit better and he had a feeling that it would.

Katelyn slowly nodded her head, she had already told them that she had no interest in returning to her old life; she was never going to be able to forget what Daniel had tried to do to her.

“And that there is a chance after your work is done here that we might be sending you to America,” Sergio continued staring at Katelyn, he was still a little angry that she had smashed a lamp over his head but after their kiss he was willing to put that behind him.

Katelyn swallowed not liking the sound of this, she had tried to make herself useful so that they wouldn’t send her to America; she wished to stay in Madrid and she would happily join the Los Merengues if they asked her too.

“However we have been talking and have decided that there might be a place for you here,” Iker said glancing at Sergio, his lover had a bit of a habit of saying the worst things during important talks.

Katelyn blinked surprised at what Iker had said, she felt a little hopeful that she would be staying; she didn’t even care about what that would mean for her, she didn’t want to leave her hometown.

“You’ll still have to do the initiation,” Sergio grumbled knowing that they couldn’t push it aside for Katelyn, it was tradition for everyone that entered the Los Merengues; they had to prove that they were worth their place in the gang.

Iker closed his eyes, he had no idea yet what he might set as Katelyn’s initiation but they would have to decide soon; the gang wasn’t just going to let it slide even if she was living with their boss.

“Okay,” Katelyn whispered trying not to be too excited about the news, she could see that there was something else on the two men’s minds and it made her nervous.

Iker took a deep breath, he still had no idea how to present this too Katelyn since he didn’t want to scare her off after they had started this off so well; he wished that he had spoken to Raul before he had started this talk.

Raul had gone through the same thing with his wife and Iker was sure that their trip next month would ease any concerns that Katelyn had about the situation.

“We know that you saw us together the other week,” Sergio said taking the lead, he doubted that Iker wanted to frighten the blonde but they couldn’t sit in silence and he didn’t want to miss a chance to take this further.

Katelyn paled and opened her mouth, she had thought that she had been so quiet when she had seen them messing around in this office; she hadn’t known that they had known that she had seen them.

“I didn’t mean to,” Katelyn spluttered trying to think of a way to explain what had happened, she couldn’t deny that what she had seen was arousing and she had no idea how to apologise for catching them together.

Iker chuckled watching Katelyn blush, she was perfect for him and Sergio; he couldn’t imagine anyone else who would fit the place as their joint spouse.

“We know… we set it up so that you would find us,” Sergio replied smugly, he leant against the wall wondering how much Katelyn had seen; he watched her curious just what was going on in that head of hers.

Iker moved to sit down, he could see that Sergio had this under control right now and he would only speak up if his lover said something that would scare Katelyn away.

“You what?” Katelyn whispered not knowing what else to say, she hadn’t been expecting this and she had no idea what was going on right now.

Iker sighed, he looked at Sergio while he got to his feet and moved towards his scotch; he had a feeling that a drink might help the situation right now and calm them all.

“We wanted you to see us Katelyn… we aren’t ashamed of us,” Sergio reassured watching Iker, he accepted the drink wondering just how they were going to convince her to think about this.

Katelyn looked between the two men, she was so confused right now and she wished that they would just tell her what was going on; Iker handed her a glass of scotch before he moved back to Sergio.

“In our line of work it’s completely normal, several of our members are in polyamorous,” Iker explained while watching Katelyn, he was sure that she was going to be okay with this since she wasn’t looking at them in disgust instead she looked curious about what he was saying.

Katelyn clutched at the glass that she had been given, she didn’t know what to say and she was a little curious about why they were telling her this; it didn’t make sense to her.

“I don’t understand,” Katelyn said trying to work out what they were trying to tell her, she felt her stomach twist at the thought of dating both men and she doubted that was what they were saying.

It didn’t really bother Katelyn if they did ask her that, she was attracted to both men and she was curious to learn more about them.

“We want you to be our girlfriend,” Sergio announced getting bored of their talk, he didn’t see the point in taking baby steps; it wasn’t as if this was a normal situation and it was already going to be interesting as it was.

Katelyn stared at Sergio shocked, she took a deep breath not sure what to say now that Sergio had put that out; she opened her mouth but paused when she couldn’t think of what to say.

Iker rolled his eyes looking at Sergio, he wasn’t even surprised that he had said that when they were trying to take this slow; there was no going back and only one thing to do.

“Will you allow us both to court you?” Iker asked looking at Katelyn, he knew that they had told her a lot in the past hour and he was hopeful that the blonde would agree to what they had asked her.

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