Chapter Thirty-Seven: Food for Thought

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Katelyn took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves, she wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she had come to stay with Sergio's family but this wasn't it; she had no idea how these people could be so cruel. 

It had been a week since Katelyn had arrived to stay with the family and she had barely saw Sofia who was being forced to fight in some fighting pits; she was being abused and assaulted for a slight against her own family. 

Katelyn shook her head, she was dreading the meal that she was about to attend and she wanted nothing more than to go home; she missed Iker and Sergio, even if she spoke to them most days. 

Sansa slept soundly in her cot, she was completely unaware of the tension that surrounded her; it wasn't just José María and René that had a problem with Sofia being back, Mirian also didn't seem to be willing to forgive and forget about what had happened. 

Katelyn watched her daughter sleeping, she would never treat her daughter like this family were treating Sofia; she wanted nothing more than to protect Sansa from all the trouble that was happening around them. 

"Madre said dinner will be ready shortly," Mirian mused stepping into the bedroom, she was a little disappointed that Katelyn hadn't been warmed to her or anyone else; she had hoped that bonding with the blonde would mean that Sergio would be home soon. 

It had been so long since Mirian had seen her baby brother, she missed Sergio and she wished that he would come home to his rightful place; she wanted their small family to come back together again. 

"You don't like me?" Mirian murmured moving to sit down on the bed, she watched Katelyn knowing that she was the key to getting Sergio back; the family needed him and with the war starting, he would want to protect his own. 

Sansa slept on making Katelyn smile, she brushed some hair from her face and looked at Mirian knowing that she would never understand her.

"You remind me of my older brother," Katelyn murmured staring at Mirian, who smiled as if thinking what she was saying was a compliment; she crossed her arms knowing that she needed to say something. 

Mirian smiled a little, she didn't know much about the other woman but she was sure that things were going to get better if she was willing to talk about her family with her. 

"Matthew... he always looked down at me," Katelyn mused trying to remember a fond memory of her older brother, she couldn't and that made her a little sad sometimes; she doubted her brother ever cared that she hadn't come home. 

Mirian frowned wondering why Katelyn was telling her this, she felt an odd feeling in his stomach and she didn't like it; she sat watching Katelyn wondering what the other woman was talking about. 

"He was the heir and I was meant to marry into some important family," Katelyn continued moving to sit down in the chair that sat in her room, she looked at Mirian knowing that the older woman would understand this; she had married Carlos because that was her duty. 

Mirian swallowed, she remembered what that felt like and she had hated it but she had learnt to love Carlos; he and their twin boys were everything to her now. 

"I hated the man that my padre choose for me," Katelyn whispered closing her eyes, she doubted that she would ever forget Martin; he had been a creep and her father had adored him. 

Katelyn didn't really think of what could have been if she had never met Iker and Sergio, they meant so much to her and she was sure that things were meant to be. 

"I refused to marry him and my padre hired an assassin to murder me," Katelyn continued opening her blue eyes and looked at Mirian, there was no doubt that the other woman now knew why she was talking about this with her.

Mirian shifted uncomfortably, she was still so angry that Sofia had ducked out of marrying Jorge while she had done her duty and married Carlos; she stared at Katelyn trying to ignore the guilt that had started to build in her. 

"I get that you are made at Sofia for what she did... but she found her happiness and you are punishing her for that," Katelyn muttered shaking her head, she doubted that her words would be welcomed but she had to say something. 

Mirian opened her mouth to say something, she wanted to defend herself about her actions as the guilt started to eat away at her; she had let her brother-in-law rape her baby sister and she had helped him do it. 

"You only get one set of family... you turn your back on them and you're no better than Mourinho or my padre," Katelyn hissed trying to stay in control of the situation, she wanted Mirian to see that if she continued down this path then she was going to lose more than her sister. 

Sergio was furious right now after finding out from Carlos what had happened, he was stuck in Madrid and there was no way that he would get to Seville before the next cage fight happened. 

"Sofia turned her back first," Mirian argued getting angry that she was getting lectured on family by someone like Katelyn; she had only just entered this world and she had no idea what growing up in it was like. 

Katelyn snorted and shook her head, she didn't know why Mirian was trying to argue with her; she just hoped that this wasn't going to make things worse for Sofia. 

"She fled Seville because she didn't feel safe... and whose fault is that?" Katelyn asked softly, she knew that Sofia wasn't handling what was happening to her; she was still recovering from being shot and this wasn't going to help her in anyway. 

Mirian was silent, she recalled how her sister had pleaded with her for help when she had found out that she was expected to marry Jorge; she had just turned her back on her and told her that as women that was what was expected of them.

"One day... Sofia is going to break and you'll hate yourself for it," Katelyn said firmly, she had a horrible feeling about what was going to happen if someone didn't help Sofia soon; she didn't want her sister-in-law to become a threat to herself. 

Mirian blinked staring at Katelyn, she didn't know what to say to that and she didn't want to believe that the blonde could be right; she wanted nothing more than to continue hating Sofia for what she had done. 

Mirian couldn't deny that she was jealous of her younger sister, she hadn't wanted to marry Carlos in the beginning and now she couldn't have been happier; she was sure that Sofia would have been the same. 

"Dinner will be ready in ten," Mirian muttered before walking out of the bedroom, her mind racing with what she had been told; she didn't want to think about what Katelyn had told her. 

Katelyn watched the older woman leave before she turned her attention to Sansa, she would do whatever it took to protect her daughter; she wanted nothing more than to go home and the sooner that happened the better. 

Katelyn moved to press a kiss to the top of her daughter's head when she heard her bedroom door shut; she turned around and frowned at the sight of René, she wasn't sure what he wanted. 

"I think we need to have a little chat," René mused smirking at Katelyn, he made sure that door was locked before he started to walk towards her; he was going to make sure his brother came home.


Author's Note:

Don't forget to check out Every Move You Make by RMHSdefender to see what's happening with Sofia.

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